Part 2

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*after class and at break cuz like. Class a boring*

"Class dismissed" Ms Izumi announced as she concluded the topic. We all stood up in an instant and bowed as a thanks (idk this is just what I have to do at school). I was about to walk out of the classroom with Osamu when I heard my name being called. "Atsumu." Ms Izumi called and I whipped my head back to face her before smiling. "Yes?" I answered as Osamu stood slightly in front of me looking back at the teacher in confusion. "Can you show Sakusa around?" She asked as she placed a hand on Sakusa's shoulder smiling. "Err. Sure?" I looked back at Osamu who was laughing softly while looking at me mockingly. I glared at him before turning back to the teacher with a more confident "sure".

It was only when Sakusa stood next to me that it really hit me how tall he was. Osamu was still laughing at me for having to show someone around the school and jokingly telling Sakusa about how he's sorry that he's stuck with me in which I return a glare to. "I swear to god! I'm gonna staple yer mouth shut one day if ya don't shut yer trap!" I groaned as we walked down the hallway together. "Soooo. Sakusa-kun." I turned my attention to Sakusa who was awfully silent. He turned his head to face me and raised an eyebrow. "Ya don't really talk much do ya?" I chuckled softly. "I just didn't wanna interrupt you two." He stated bluntly and he shoved his hands into the pockets of his pants. I blushed in embarrassment as I realised that I had been bickering with Osamu the whole time. "Heh. Sorry about that." I laughed nervously as my right hand instinctively reached and scratched the back of my head as we continued walking. He shrugged before an awkward silence filled the GAP between us. Osamu had went to find Suna, our best friend (and his crush 😏😏😏) some where in between our bickering and it became more evident when the silence started piercing my ears.

"What?" I was snapped back into reality when Sakusa's voice cut through my daydream. "Huh" I straighten up my back and realised that I had stared at him when I spaced out. "Oh sorry. You just look awfully familiar." I smiled as we continued on our way.

*imma just skip the the next day at lunch cuz I'm rlly that lazy*

I saw Sakusa sitting at the table 2 rows in front of me, Osamu and Suna so I decided to invite him to join us. At first he looked confused but I eventually managed to convince him to join us (or did he just drag him lmao. Y'all will never know.) Of course, Osamu and Suna started teasing me about liking him even though I kept telling them that it's only been a day.

After they're teasing died down, we decided that we should all get to know each other. (Well get to know Sakusa if ya wanna be exact.) "my name is Suna Rintarou and I'm unfortunately the best friend of these too idiots." Suna pointed at me and Osamu while sniggering. "HEY!" We both yelled back in unison as he glared at him causing him to laugh. "So I'm Miya Osamu and I have a twin who has lost all brain cells at birth." He followed shortly after Suna. "I feel like yer both targeting me for some reason." I sighed as I stuffed a spoon full of rice in my mouth. "Maybe that reason is because we are?" Osamu stated before laughing when I dramatically placed a hand over my heart acting like I was offended. This earned a soft chuckle from Sakusa who was still sitting beside me. "Well I'm Miya Atsumu as ya know." I said while smiling at him. He nodded before starting his introduction. "I'm Sakusa Kiyoomi." We all talked and hung out till lunch break was over and we learned that Sakusa had previously lived in Hyogo too as a child but moved to Tokyo for his father at the age of 5. He was surprisingly fun to hang around and even though we only knew each other for 2 days, it felt like I've known him since we were kids and I felt shockingly comfortable with him. Like, comfortable enough to be myself around instead of the more confident, selfish front that I put up around people. It scared me about how easy it was to just let my guard down around him.

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