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I'm sorry, I just randomly dropped the bomb and they were married but never really wrote the events. This is probably going to be an extra 2 chapters that were supposed to be slotted in between chapters 12 and 13. Anyways, enjoy!
(Can be read as a stand alone chapter.)

Soft keys played with precision, angelic voice serenaded all in attendance, soft breeze carassing their skin, but all they could focus on was the male walking down the white carpet. A white suit clung to his well built figure as his hand curled around his brother's arm. Soft blonde hair gelled to the side, giving everyone a clear view of his hypnotising honey brown eyes as sharp features. His hair was in a clean undercut and a white rose stuck out of his left suit pocket. Before letting go of his younger brother, he smiled at the grey haired male who smiled back, finally letting go and shooting a threatening gaze at his soon to be brother in law.

Now, at the front stood two tall men. One dressed in white, one dressed in black. Finally taking a good look at the raven, he was dressed in a form fitting black suit. Muscles still prominent under his white shirt as his usually messy black hair was gelled up, his twin moles on proud display as onyx eyes gazed into brown ones. A soft smile graced their faces as they stared at each other. It was perfect. The setting was perfect. A small garden wedding that housed all those important to them, their families, their friends and their love, all sheltered under a white canopy as flowers decorated the venue. The couple kept it small, not wanting the public to be crowded there due to their fame and popularity.

As the song came to a smooth end and the piano playing slipped into a close, the judge started talking, eventually inviting the couple to pledge their vows.

"Hey love, today we stand here at the altar, putting our past behind us as we embark on a new journey together. I have never regretted the day we met but I do regret not meeting you earlier. There is nothing I don't love about you. I swear to love you through sickness and if health, through mobility and inmobility even till we turn grey and frail. Being able to wake up to your adorable face is nothing short of a blessing." Kiyoomi recited, sincerity and love carefully laced his words, his smile never fading.

"Remember the day ya transferred into me and Samu's class? At that time, I never thought that we'd be anything. Remember the way ya lent me yer scarf when I forgot mine? That was the day I fell in love all over again. Yer the best thing that has ever happened to me and I wouldn't trade that for anything. I love ya so much I could die. When we first started dating, I was worried that it wouldn't work out since the two of us are complete opposites. But yet here we are years later, declaring our undying love for each other infront of our loved ones and I couldn't ask for anything more." Atsumu concluded, flashing a bright toothy grin at his soon to be husband. He wasn't lying when he said that he could die from how much he loved the raven and Kiyoomi felt the same. They really were two whipped idiots.

As the carefully picked up the rings, they slid it onto each other's index finger before looking up at grin at each other. "With the power invested in me. I pronounce you husband and wife (yes Atsumu's a bride yo. 👰‍♂️) You may kiss the bride." The judge proclaimed as he smiled at the newly weds. No time was wasted as the pair claimed each other's lips in a sweet kiss. Their loved ones cheered as a few sobs could be heard from their mothers as well as a sniffing Oikawa and Komori. When their lips parted, they flashed a giddy smile as held each other in a tight embrace, smile hidden from everyone by each other's bodies.

As the day went on, the newlyweds received multiple congratulations and confused looks due to their disappearance to MacDonalds since Atsumu was craving some and Kiyoomi is nothing if not a weak man for his husband.

"Where'd ya go?" The stern voice sent a shiver down both their spines as they gingerly turned around to be met with an angry Osamu and Suna trying desperately to calm his husband down, not wanting him to scold the duo on their wedding day. "So?" Osamu continued when the males stayed silent. "MacDonalds?" Atsumu mumbled as he scratched the back of his neck. Osamu's eyes widened his surprise as he raised an eyebrow at the taller raven who immediately turned his head away to avoid eye contact with his new brother in law. "Seriously? And ya didn't even stop my brother Sakusa?" Osamu shock his head as the green eyed male laughed beside him. Atsumu pouted at his twin who looked embarrassed to be related to him. "I was craving some Kay? Plus! It's my weddin. I can do what I want Samu!" Atsumu whined as he looped his arm around his husband's, only for the raven to smile a little. "Not an excuse to just leave and let me handle everyone askin me where ya were. Idiot." Osamu flicked the blonde's forehead as Suna continued laughing at the twin's exchange, Kiyoomi joining him shortly but stopping when Osamu glared at him. "And you. Yer supposed to be the mature one!" Osamu pointed an accusing finger at Kiyoomi who ducked his head like a kicked puppy, a faint blush high on his cheeks, mumbling an apology as Osamu continued lecturing the pair.

The rest of the ceremony went on smoothly with Osamu keeping a close eye on the duo in order to ensure that they wouldn't be running away again anytime soon. Their mothers wailed as they held their hands as their fathers desperately tried to calm their wives down while apologising to the other attendees who just smiled at them.

"DONT TELL ME TO CALM DOWN HARU. MY BABY IS GROWING UP." Atsumu mother snapped as she turned to her husband with tear stains littering her cheeks, her eyebrows furrowed while she quietly sniffled. To which Atsumu's father could only raise his hands in surrender, smiling fondly at his wife's antics. "Ya better tell me if he treats ya wrongly Kay?" Osamu glared pointedly at his brother's husband who audible gulp. Atsumu chuckled and pulled his brother into a tight hug. "Yea yea. Yer a worry wart Samu. Don't cha got a husband to worry bout?" Atsumu laughed as the younger twin shook his head and wrapped his arms around his brother's waist, resting his forehead on Atsumu's shoulder and mumbling something about killing Kiyoomi if he ever dared to hurt Atsumu, causing Atsumu to laugh as he ran a hand through his brother's hair.

"KIYOOMI, MY BABY BOY. YOU FINALLY FOUND YOURSELF A HUSBAND. IM SO PROUD OF YOU." Kiyoomi's mother wailed as she hugged her youngest son, his siblings just laughing quietly as Kiyoomi gingerly patted his mother's back, not knowing what to do. "Thank you mom." Kiyoomi smiled to which his mother sobbed even more about him being adorable or something that the raven couldn't understand. "Good job baby bro. I'm happy for you." Kiyoomi's elder brother said with a genuine and caring smile which was reciprocated soon after. "Kiyoomiiiii my little baby brother! You used to be so small and now you're getting married." His elder sister sobbed as she hugged their eldest brother who rolled his eyes at his younger sister's dramatic tendencies and Kiyoomi couldn't help but wonder how people would believe rumours about her being scary and threatening.

Just like that, the day came to a smooth close with Osamu running after Atsumu for eating his food while Suna and Kiyoomi just stood at the side and sighed with a smile on their faces, watching their husbands run after each other and wondering how they were lucky enough to land 2 crazy but amazing idiots who they could call home.

NEXT PART: honeymoon

YEA SO THAT CONCLUDES THIS CHAPTER! hope it was fine lmao. It took me 2+ days to write this purely because I was lazy so that's my fault. Anyways, feel free to suggest some spot ya want em to have their honeymoon at! For now. Gd bye ತಎತ

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