Part 14

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•possible angst/ trigger in the
middle of this chapter so yea.
Read at yer own risk ig?
Enjoy 😘✨


Ring ring ring

The ringing of the alarm tortured my ears as I rolled over in bed so I was lying on my stomach, face planted into the soft cushion that was my pillow. I groaned in annoyance as the ringing continued relentlessly. Finally, I turned my head to face the alarm and clicked dismiss before pushing myself up to rest of my elbows as I brought a hand up to my face to rub my eyes. My eyelids were dragged down by an invisible force as eye-bags coloured my under eyes. A bed of messy blond hair sat on the top of my head as it pointed in all different directions. My subconscious reached to pat the other side of the bed only to be met with nothing but the cold. Right. He's at work already. The sun shined and cut through the small gaps of the curtains into the bedroom, painting it in a soft light while the sharp rays of sunlight drew lines on the furniture and bed. I turned to my phone, bringing it up to my face as I read the time.


In an instant, I shot up in bed. Did I really sleep that long? I recovered from the shock before I stood up and walked into the bathroom to take a quick bath, brush my teeth and take a piss. Once done with that, I went to the kitchen to find a note.

Morning love. I hope you slept well.
I have already left for work but I made
you breakfast. I might be home late today
depending on how long wrapping up takes
or how long my meetings drag so if it comes
to 7pm and I'm not home yet, just eat without
me. Make sure you eat your meals and rest.
I'll be home as soon as possible. I love you. <3

I stared at the note that was written in Kiyoomi's neat and elegant cursive handwriting as it stared back at me. A small but genuine smile crept its way onto my face as I clutched onto the note. I opened the refrigerator and just as promised, a ham and a cheese sandwich was placed on the 2nd shelf wrapped neatly in silicon wrap. I grabbed it and put it in the microwave for 30 seconds before eating it. Surprisingly, I wasn't at all hungry. In fact, it was quite the opposite. I was rather full from the dinner the night before.

After that, I decided to play some guitar to pass time and relive some memories.

|All of me| = John Legend
What would I do without your smart mouth?
Drawing me in, and you kicking me out
You've got my head spinning, no kidding, I can't pin you down
What's going on in that beautiful mind?
I'm on your magical mystery ride
And I'm so dizzy, don't know what hit me, but I'll be alright.....

Memories of my father flooded my mind as my fingers aimlessly strummed the 6 strings of the guitar. Lyrics were being whispered into the air, reminiscing about someone I had lost at the tender age of 10...

|flash back| 3rd person.

I give you all of me
And you give me all of you, oh oh

"Dad! That was so cool!" The high pitched voice of 10 year old Atsumu filled the room that the pair sat in. A soft chuckle escaped the tall man who sat on the floor with his son as he reached a hand to ruffle the young boy's hair. "Can ya teach me?" Admiration filled Atsumu's brown eyes as he stared at his father. "Of course. But ya can't back out once ya start promise?" The dark haired man reached out his picky as the other hooked his own with his father's, giggling while he nodded.

"Em C G        D" the soft voice of his father filled Atsumu's ears as his eyes furrowed in concentration, fingers struggling to keep up with the speed of the song. "Dad I can't do this!" He groaned in frustration as he leaned his head back onto the backrest behind him. "But ya promised ya wouldn't back out." That made Atsumu sigh as he nodded and got back to work.

"DAD DAD DAD DAD!" The shout of his son shocked him as he closed the door behind him. He smiled as he was met with the sight of his twins and wife at the doorway smiled at him as a greeting. Atsumu ran up to him and waved a paper in his face. He took the paper from Atsumu's grasp as the latter continued jumping up and down. As his eyes adjusted to the paper, he realised what it was and a evident smile covered his features. Atsumu had passed an audition for a string festival their middle school was hosting.
"Congratulations Tsumu."

|end of flashback| back to Atsumu's POV

Before I knew it, the song was done and when I opened my eyes, tears had covered my face painting wet lines in its wake. I reached a hand up, wiping the snot and tears from my face before staring at my guitar. It was the one my father had used when I was 10 and I had not intention of replacing it even though it was very old.

I stood up from the edge of our shared bed, setting the guitar back into its case and walked into the bathroom to stare at my tear-stricken face. "I miss ya dad." A muted whisper escaped my lips as I smiled gently. I decided to take a quick bathe and freshen up before Kiyoomi got home so I got to work.

After bathing, he still wasn't home which was expected, considering how it was still 3pm. Hence, I chose to start an Instagram live stream and connect with fans as a way to pass time. It was actually incredibly fun to be able to talk to the people who supported me and interact with them.

Time passed in a blink of an eye and the next thing I knew, I heard the door click before a soft "I'm home" echoed through the mostly empty house. I took a quick glance to the screen on my phone that displayed a simple "6:38pm".

"See y'all next time, it was fun talking to y'all." I wrapped up the live and stood up hastily. "Omi babyyyyyy" I sang as I skipped to where he stood, hanging his coat up on the hanger. "Good evening to you too, love." Kiyoomi smiled at his lover as the other hugged him, a equally as loving smile on his own. "How was work?" I asked, smile still plastered on my face as excitement was clear in my eyes. "Tiring..." he sighed making me laugh a little.

"Aweee ya poor baby. C'mon, go take a shower and I'll make ya dinner." I suggested or more like commanded as I dragged his lifeless body to the bathroom before forcing him in so I could prepare dinner. I made some ramen and set the table before a pair of muscular arms wrapped around my waist causing me to jump. "Ya scared me! Make some noise next time would ya?" I huffed as a chuckle was pulled from the sleepy man clinging onto me.

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