Part 13

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The is gonna be a short chapter.
It's more of a bridge than anything
so yea. Bare with me for a bit :'D
I'll make sure the next chapter is longer
if possible. Not sure when it'll be out tho.
N e ways. Enjoy the chapter <3

3 years later...

July 12th 2024

"Omiiiii" I whined as I let my body drape over the taller male's. His head tilted slightly to give me a peck on my cheek before turning back to the papers that sat on his lap and coffee table. It was a holiday and for once, I was able to take a month break after releasing countless songs, albums and completing different collaborations with other artist. My career was skyrocketing and Shiki had told me to take a break from it for a while to avoid over working myself.

"What ya doin?" I looked down at the papers while I rested my head on his. "Reviewing the report for the case that I have to settle on Tuesday." Kiyoomi replied plainly, paying no mind to me as he leading black orbs bore holes into the file. I just nodded and left to the kitchen where I took a snack from before coming back to the living room and settling next to him, side pressed together.

After a year of dating, we decided to move into a decent sized apartment together that was close to both our work places. It wasn't a big house but it was cozy and comfortable. The house was a mix of modern and Japanese style. White paint covered majority of the walls while oak planks were held to the ceiling with the help of nails as wooden beams decorated the exterior. A simplistic fireplace was stuck to the wall infront of the couch as a long coffee table stood in the middle of both. Yellow lights scattered around the house lighting it up with soft hues as photos clung onto the wall as a reminder of the memories we made with each other.

My eyes lingered around the living room before fixing on the expressionless expression on Kiyoomi's face. Eyebrows only slightly creased as he focused on his task at hand. A slightly big black T-shirt hung off his broad shoulders as shorts that reached down to his knee wrapped around his small waist. My hand that wasn't holding the snack reached out to grab a blanket that was draped over the back of the couch and wrapped it around both of us as I rest my head on his shoulder closing my eyes and enjoying the comfortable silence. A felt a hand wrap itself around my waist as a soft kiss was pressed on my forehead as I hummed in content. The hand sat still on my waist as the sound of paper flipping filled the still air.

These were the kind of days that I loved. The days where it was just us in our house enjoying each other's presence and warmth. Sitting in the still air that was filled with love and adoration for each other. The kind of days that I'll cherish till death. I wouldn't have it any other way.

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