Part 11

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This whole chapter will be they're vacation to Iceland. It also includes osasuna cuz how could I not include them amiright?


"Oi! Wait up ya idiot!" Samu shouted in annoyance as he, Suna and Kiyoomi tried to catch up with me. "Hehehe" I laughed as I continued my way up the mountain which our hotel sat on with pride, making every visitor climb the mountain to reach it.

After about an hour, we finally made it to our hotel. The air was thin but not thin enough to make it hard to breath just needed an ounce of effort more. "Geez Tsumu. I told ya to wait for us." Samu whined as he flopped down on the couch in the reception area, Suna just chuckling lightly as he made his way to his tired boyfriend, kissing his forehead. "Ouch. No need to make me feel more single than I already am." I put my hands up, surrendering as I see Omi laughing softly beside me. Suna just rolled his eyes as Samu moved over to lean on him, eyes still closed. "Ya wound me Suna." I exclaimed, dramatically slapping a hand over my chest in faked pain earning yet another eye roll from not only Suna but Samu too.

"Miya-san. Suna-san. Sakusa-san." The soft delicate voice of the receptionists cut the conversation short as we turned our heads to face her. "Your rooms are ready. We have brought the luggage into the rooms." She then proceeded to hand our keys to us and wishing us a nice day while I smiled back at her.

"Suna and I are sharing a room. Good luck Sakusa. Tsumu will annoy ya when he can't sleep." Samu wished as he smiled at Omi. "Hey! That's mean!" I retorted at the criticism. "But true." He shrugged before pushing Suna into their room before I could finish. I sighed before rubbing my temples with my finger tips. The sound of the door knob twisting caught my attention as I let my hands drop to my sides as I eyes wondered to the hand on the knob. He twisted the knob and swung the door open before stepping in and seemingly inspecting the room that we would reside in for the next week or so. As he walked down the short hallway to the bedroom, I watched as his eyes scrutinised and examined every nook and cranny of the hotel room.

"Are you gonna come in or stand there staring at my like an idiot?" Sakusa chucked and I snapped out of my daze. My cheeks flushed a deep red as I turned my head trying to avoid eye-contact making Sakusa laugh. When he turned back to conclude his inspection, I walked into the room and closed the door behind me taking a moment to look around the place. It was simple but yet beautifully decorated. Hardwood lined the floor as the light planks decorated the walls, soft fluorescent lights brightening up the place. The door frames matched the floor as a few fake plants could be seen organised over the room, giving it a splash of colour. An oak shoe rack stood proudly opposite the bathroom door that was a few steps down the hall. A small elevation of the floor separated the entrance from the rest of the room as it gave it a nice dynamic. In the bedroom, a wide full sized window clutch to the sides of the wall giving us a breathtaking view of the city below the mountain that the hotel sat on.

"It's a nice place." I mumbled under my breath to myself. "I agree." I jumped slightly at the sudden reply not expecting him to have heard me let alone reply. "You did a good job picking the hotel Tsumu." He smiled as he joined me next to the window, taking in the view below us. Soft orange hues of the sunset coloured his defined features, painting one of the most beautiful views I've ever seen.


"Hey Omi?" My voiced wondered as I kept my eyes trained on the turning blades of the fan. "Hm?" Sakusa groaned from his spot of the bed about 2 meters apart from mine, turning over to rest on his side as he looked at my with half-lidded eyes, sleep still weighing on his eye-lids. "Can ya sleep?" I asked while I stayed unmoved. "Yea. You can't?" Sleep dripped from his every word as he propped himself up on his elbow. I finally ripped my gaze away from the fan and looked at him. "No..." I mumbled in reply. "And what do you want me to do about it?" Sakusa replied, maintaining a monotoned voice as he reached over to turn on the bedside table that was sat in between both beds. "Um... Can I sleep with ya? Samu used to let me when we were kids whenever I couldn't sleep." I requested as hope clung laced my sentence. I only heard him sighed and so I took it as a no and laid back down in my comforter.

"You coming or not?" I shot up at the sound as I opened my eyes to look at Sakusa. "Huh?" I quirked an eyebrow as I looked at him like a confused puppy. "You asked. So you coming or not. Hurry up. I'm tired." He groaned in response as my brain processes him words. After finally understanding what he meant, I jumped up and got into Sakusa bed, snuggling closer to him. "Thanks omi" I smiled when I felt a comforting hand on my back as I hurried my head under his chin, the soft fluffy comforter shielding us from cold that engulfed the room.

"Good night Omi."

"Good night Atsumu."

With that, we both drifted off into a deep slumber and let fatigue consume us whole. The warmth of our bodies mingled as the night passed us by.

e-u: omg I'm so sorry for the late update 😭😭 school has been really busy with the junior orientation and stuff so I didn't have much time to complete this. I actually wrote this over a week so some parts might not seem as smooth. Anyways sorry for the wait. I promise that this book isn't ending yet and that I'll TRY to update as often as my schedule allows. This was actually on of the longer chapters I wrote so take it as an apology for not updating.

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