Part 6

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As school started, we all started to get busier and busier. We all tried to text each other every day if possible but the days turned into weeks and then into months. Soon we stopped texting each other and lost contact due to our conflicting schedules.

Years later, Suna started a company, Omi started as a lawyer and Osamu came back to Hyogo and started "Onigiri Miya"

As for me....

Lets start at the 2nd year of college shall we?

The past 2 months flew by in a blur, dragging my lifeless body from lectures to lectures, writing notes, coming back to the dorm to complete assignments, working with classmates for presentations, so on so forth. Nothing was interesting about it. There was no life in my days anymore, no more going out with friends to enjoy a late night walk, no more brother to argue with, no more mother to fuss over you. Suddenly, the silence felt torturous and filled with boredom. I felt so out of place there, everyone around me was invested in the major and course but I wasn't. It just felt like a chore or routine I had to follow. This caused me to start playing the Guitar more, it was my only sense of comfort as it reminded me of all the memories I had at home and with my family. I started writing some songs that reminded me of past experiences.

One day, I was going for my usual late night jog when I saw a poster for a music festival:

Held on 23th December
this festival is for new song writers to explore the music field. You will be able to play on stage for many to hear! Possibly discovering a new career choice. If you're interested, please contact ###-###-## to sign up and ###-###-## for more information! We hope to you there!"

I pulled it down from the tree that it was nailed to and stuffed it in my pocket. I had considered joining a musical career but never really knew how to start so this would be a good opportunity.

"Let's see... Christmas break starts on 1st December and we only have Christmas gatherings on 25th so I should be free.." I mumbled to myself as I went through my calendar on my phone, walking back to campus. It was currently only 19th October so I had more than enough time for preparations. Once I got back to my room, I took a quick shower and whipped out my phone, dialing the number stated on the A5 sheet poster and signed up.

During the months that led up to the festival, I would practise everyday. When I got home, I got Samu and my mother to listen too so that I could get some second opinions. I changed some keys and lyrics here and there but in the end, I settled for something I was happy with.

At the festival

"Now. For the 8th Participant on this year's music festival. Please welcome, Miya Atsumu!" The man on the stage introduced me as I walked on stage with my guitar. The stage lights were so bright that they nearly blinded me. I sat down on the small stool in the middle of the stage and cleared my throat, adjusting the microphone to a comfortable level.

(This song is called "Love me less" by MAX and Quinn XCII the song that inspired this story will be later on)

"Would you love me less?"
"If you knew the places that I've been?"
"If you knew the damage that I did?"
"Would you love me less? No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no"

I sang while I looked down at my guitar, not daring to look at the sea of faces that stared at me, fearing the clear judgement in they're eyes.

It was only when I was done that I looked up at them, surprisingly, I wasn't met with judgement, it was quite the opposite. The looked at me in adoration. I was shocked by the sudden realisation as the whole place was soon filled with clapping and "WOO"s I smiled before bowing and walking back stage.

"Bro! That was amazing! Everyone loved it so much!" Samu smacked my back as soon as I was hidden behind the heavy maroon curtains. He and mom were in the backstage waiting for me.

After the performances were over, I was called over with a few of the other participants and we were all invited to audition for a talent show that would take place in Tokyo in July the next year. When I told my mom, she freaked out and convinced me to join.

And so that's how we're here now. 6 years later and I'm now touring around the world making music and pursuing my hidden passion that took a festival to discover.

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