Part 10

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Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap...

The sound of my nails drumming on the wooden table of the sushi place echoed through the empty restaurant as I waited for my friend who was surprisingly late, weirdly uncharacteristically of him as he was always the first to arrive. I whipped out my phone and decided to text him.

[DMs: Atsumu and Kiyoomi]

Hey Omi?


Where are you?
It's been 30 minutes!

Yea sorry, a meeting with a client ran later.
I'm in a taxi right now, should be there in
10 minutes or less.

Kk. Cyaaa
[read 1:34pm]

I sighed and close my messages before going to Instagram and mindlessly scrolling through my feed. Sure enough, in about 10 minutes, the man in question walked through the mid-wall high doors and made his way towards me. At that, I stuffed my phone back into my pocket as the lawyer sat directly opposite me. "Sorry Tsumu." He apologised when he had settled down in the seat. "Nah it's fine. Ya couldn't control it." I waved my hand dismissively at the apology as we started ordering our usual orders. The waiter left and we were again, left alone.

"Soo. Why did ya suddenly wanna meet me?" I asked as my eyebrow quirked by itself while curiosity filled my veins. I watched as he pulled down his mask and took a sip of water before placing it down and clearing his throat before speaking. "No particular reason. Just wanted to hang out with you I guess?" He shrugged as my brows creased above my eyes and my lips pressed into a straight line. "That's not it." I mumbled just loud enough for him to hear me. "Yes it is." He replied nonchalantly. "No it's not. Ya never do anything without a purpose. So what's the reason Omi." I asked again while I rested my head on the back of hands that were at shoulder level, leaning forward slightly. "I missed you. You're always busy on tour, doing concerts, making music, don't get me wrong, I'm happy for you it's just that I miss you sometimes." He sighed as he turned him head to the right a bit to try and hide the blush that dusted his cheeks. "Aweee who knew Omi could be so soft!" I teased as a smile appeared on my face at the rare sight of the blushing boy in front of me. "Shut up Atsumu." He retorted before glaring at me, no particular heat radiating from him. I just smiled wider at this before I started talking again.

"Well, if ya miss me, ya can always text me or if ya want ya can go to my office. I can text you to location." "I don't want to disturb you at work Atsumu." He sighed again. "Hey. How about this. I'm on a break for the next month or so, so how about we go on a vacation? I could invite Samu and Suna too." I smiled at him while suggesting to travel. "To where? How long? When?" He asked. We discussed it while eating and settled on a Christmas-new year vacation from 23December to 3January to Iceland. I texted Samu and Suna and confirmed with them the dates before fitting it into my calendar.

After 10 minutes of arguing on who was settling the bill, we agreed to go Dutch before walking out of the sushi place. "That was fun. 'M glad ya asked me out today." I smiled softly at Omi as I stuffed my hands into my pockets. "You make it sound like we're on a date." He chuckled.

Wait that was so cute— huh?! Wait what? Did I just call Omi cute? What's wrong with me!

"Atsumu?" I snapped out of my daze and turned my head to see Omi's face about an inch away from mine, worry colouring his features that I couldn't help but admire. "Atsumu are you ok? You spaced out for a while and you're really red. Are you cold? You should have dressed warmer." Before I even got the chance to reply, I felt something wrap around my neck. It was Omi's scarf. I turned an even darker shade of red at the action. "Well. I should get going now. I have another meeting at 3:45pm. Take care of yourself k?" He then turned on his heel and walked back to his office while I just stood there in the cold staring at his fading figure in shock.

The one and only Sakusa Kiyoomi, the biggest germaphobe of all time just landed me his scarf?

e-u: ya so hi. Ok. I know I haven't updated for a while but that's cuz I've been rlly busy with school and stuff so I hadn't had much time to write much. The next chapter will be the vacation so yea. Look out for that? Not sure when it'll come out tho. Anyways, have a nice day and take care of yourself. Love y'all <3

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