Part 5

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Graduation (cuz I can lmao)

"Miya Atsumu. Class 2 Year 3. Topped in mathematics and science." The teacher introduced all of us one by one up on stage as we went up to collect our graduation certificates. I walked up and bowed before getting my cert. I walked to the left side of the stage to stand next to one of my classmates, Samu soon taking the spot next to me.

This was the day I had dreaded. I knew me and Samu weren't going to the same college as he was going to Tokyo in order to attend a cutlery school while I stayed in Hyogo. It was going to be the first time we've been apart since we were born and I didn't know if I was ready for it yet. Another thing was that I would have to leave all my friends behind and probably will never come into contact with them again. Suna was going to start at a business course while Kiyoomi was going to a law firm. I still wasn't sure what I wanted to do so I did what my mother wanted me to do, finance. She was also majored in it so she wanted me to follow in her footsteps and possibly hand over her company to me. I never felt any sort of passion for the course but I never felt it for any others either so I just went with it.

After graduation we all hung out more knowing we'll be apart for a while, if not forever.

A few months later. (Idk what to write. I'm sorry)

"Hey. Stop cryin ya idiot. I'm not dyin or smth ya know?" Samu scoffed as if his eyes went as puffy, if not more puffy, than mine. It was finally time where me and Samu would be separated.

I was scared. It has always been the Miya Twins against the world. We were always there for each other, no matter what we said. Even if everyone else in the whole world, including our family, turned they're back on either one of us, we knew we'd always have each other's back. That's how it's always been our whole lives. To suddenly be separated from the one person who you've practically been glued to the hip with, just the idea was enough to keep me up at night from the terror and dread. But yet here it was. The nightmare became a reality.

Saying our last goodbyes, we let go. I waved at him one last time before watching his figure disappear in the crowd of people who were rushing around, some boarding, some arriving. I stood there until he had completed disappeared from my sight before closing my eyes and sighing. What was gonna do now? I dragged my body back home as I had to start packing my bags for college. I was going to stay in a hostel/dorm during College since my mother had insisted that it built responsibility. I took my clothes, chargers, books and laptop before stuffing them into a medium sized luggage. I looked back at my room contemplating for a bit before picking up my guitar, bringing it with me. Over the years, I had picked up guitar as hobby. It was my way of de stressing that I learned from my late father.

I said my goodbyes to my crying mother before leaving and closing the door with a soft "click". I took a deep breath of the fresh air as I turned around toward the general direction of my new college.

"Well.. onto a new chapter of my life I guess? I'll miss you... Samu... Suna... Mom... and. Omi." I chuckled softly while looking down at my luggage, slinging my guitar case over my left shoulder and dragging my luggage to the bus stop where I proceeded to wait for the bus "865" which would bring me to the stop 2 blocked away from the college where I would then spend the next 4 years of my life at studying a major I had no interest in.

This was going to be a long few years huh?

e-u: hey sorry for the short chapters- I'm not the best at writing Long parts since I wanna split the different events into different parts but end up not having much to expand on. Please endure the short parts. I'll update daily if possible. School is gonna start soon so I might update less frequently. Always I hope u enjoyed the story so far and happy New Years to everyone. (Istg if 2021 is just 2020 but part 2-)

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