Chapter 35

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This chapter contains fellatio. I apologize in advance for using the word cock. -kittyhawk

I had endured two entire weeks back at the castle, and my roommates still hadn't said a single word to me since they discovered my relationship with Draco. It was almost impressive, actually, how flawlessly they were able to dodge my eye contact and write me out of their conversations. I became an expert at ignoring them as well; feigning boredom when they spoke, and returning only to the dormitory to sleep or change my robes.

When I was not in classes or assisting in the Hospital Wing I was at Draco's side. He wanted me with him when he studied, dined, and strolled around the castle. Over time, I became better acquainted with Crabbe, Goyle, and even a little with Blaise Zabini; but Draco would always send them away so that we could be alone. It was like we existed in this reality where we were the only two people on earth.

I discovered that Draco was right- allowing ourselves to date publicly was incredible. We could allow ourselves to do romantic things without fear of being seen by anyone. And Draco was a lovely person to be with.

His hand would often find its way to mine when we studied together in the library, and he would absentmindedly stroke my fingers, which I found quite charming. When we walked, he had to walk slightly behind me, always staying in my peripheral vision, but never falling more than a step behind. I suspected he did this because he was making the conscious effort to slow down his long-legged stride to match my gait- but I did look back at him and catch him protectively glaring over my head at others a few times.

Belonging to Draco both helped and hindered my work in the Medical Wing. Almost every patient I helped was overly compliant because they were intimidated by me. When I asked a sick second year to sit up so I could take his temperature, he shot up with a tense "yes ma'am". Not only was every patient in the Hospital Wing tense, but Draco himself was growing more and more agitated as the days went by.

Draco was still obligated to visit the Room of Requirement every evening to do his necessary repairs on the Vanishing Cabinet. He insisted that I come with him, and either Crabbe or Goyle would accompany us, disguised as whichever harmless young woman whose hair I surreptitiously collected from the Hospital Wing for the Polyjuice Potion. I did feel bad for doing so; but I wanted to help Draco however I could, and I figured that a few hairs left upon pillows would not be missed.

Draco and I walked together through the darkened 7th floor after dinner. Crabbe, disguised as a 3rd year Hufflepuff who had accidentally gotten African Red Pepper in her eyes, followed fifteen paces behind us. It was a Saturday so we could dress casually; but I felt horribly underdressed in my black and white striped jumper and jeans beside Draco and his slim black suit. Crabbe was forced to wear one of the only yellow shirts I owned and one of my smallest skirts, which I could tell he wasn't too pleased about, but they were the only clothes that fit the girl's body. Crabbe asked for my knickers as well, but I refused.

We arrived at the secluded corridor of the 7th floor just outside the hidden entrance to the Room of Requirement. "If anyone passes by, drop the scales," Draco instructed Crabbe, who listened with a pouty expression upon his girlish face.

"Why can't I come in sometime? I want to see what you're doing in there," Crabbe complained in a whiny feminine trill.

Draco scowled at him. "You don't need to know what I'm doing. Your job is to keep watch."

The girl, Crabbe, rolled their eyes. "You know, I'm starting to think you're just using the room so your girlfriend can polish your knob."

I had no idea what 'polish your knob' meant, but I got the impression it was something sexual. Condescendingly, Draco retorted, "It must have taken you all week to arrive at that crude theory. Why don't you think harder, Crabbe. You'll have plenty of time while you're waiting for us in the corridor."

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