Prolouge; Stability

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        "Why can't things in your story just be nice and happy all of the time? Why do we need to have a conflict? Humans have a natural desire to keep things stable, and to bring stability to an unstable situation. There are many ways to add conflicts to your story. You could have there be a really bad storm that prevents your protagonist from getting where he needs to go. What about having your character be an outcast in society.

        "You could even add a new character. Sometimes, even something as simple as that can throw your protagonist's life for a loop."

        I shut the class's paperback English Language Arts book and set in on my desk. My desk faced the window, away from the rest of the class on in it's own while the other large tables held large groups. No, I wasn't in trouble. That wasn't why I was sitting alone. I asked to be here.

        I turned my head to see that red second hand on the clock above the blackbard ticking away. We only had about ten minutes left before it was time to make our way back to homeroom.

        I still didn't understand why my narrative had to provide a conflict. My life was perfectly stable.

        I had friends who gave me a place to sit and people to work with when we absolutely needed partners for a project.

        I had parents that loved both me and each other.

        I had three younger siblings, all healthy and growing up to be fine children.

        I don't have evil teachers.

        I'm not an utter outcast.

        I get decent grades.

        I don't look half bad.

        I've never suffered a loss.

        Our family had a fair amount of money.

        I've had three girlfriends, all which ended, but I'm still friends with those girls to this day.

        I've never been bullied, at least not that I can remember.

        So then why am I bored? I thought characters were supposed to want stability. I'm perfectly happy with my stable life... I think.

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