Chapter 8; Friday = Best Day

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The sun on my face woke me up. Obviously, the curtains weren't closed. Way too much sun was coming into the room. As I sat up, I looked at the dust in the rays of sunlight. You know when it kind of just looks like a bunch of sparkles? I got up, stretching a bit. I had another thing today with Kane.

Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. That's when we were supposed to meet in the auditorium. I think Fridays were the days we just got to do whatever we wanted. That wasn't as bad as all these childish trust exercises at least. I wasn't looking forward to seeing Kane though. Well, maybe I'd be able to ell at him in person this time. He screwed a lot up yesterday, I hope he knows that.

As I got dressed, I recalled a lot from yesterday. I member how Melody said she didn't like me. I also remember telling Kane that she was my girls friend just to say that she wasn't over a text message. There was also making out with Knife. That was something... I wonder if things will be awkward with her in school today. She seemed pretty bummed when Kane texted me in the middle of our thing.

And I'm still pondering the whole knee sock thing. It's bothering me.

I went downstairs where my younger brothers were all eating cereal at the kitchen table. I went to go get myself something. Dad was probably at work already and Mom was likely getting ready upstairs. I poured the milk in the cereal. We were out again. That's just what happens when you like in a house with five other people. Groceries don't last more than two days most of the time.

By the time I sat down, Tay, Jake, and Ben were already going to watch morning cartoons. Breakfast basically consisted of introspectively eating cereal with the sound of Nick Jr. in the background . If anyone was watching, it would've probably looked really weird. When I was done, I got up, but my dish in the sink, and yelled up to Mom that I was going to catch the train.

As I sat on the train, I thought more. I had only been awake for an hour and I've already had more thoughts than the average Kardashian has in a month. I couldn't see Kane and that little girl anywhere. Didn't they take this train? I mean, they were here yesterday. They were probably just on a different car. I'd be trying to avoid him as much as possible at this point. He already seems to be able to read me pretty easily and I can't read him at all. That's not good for me. When I got off, I stood in front of the school. I had gotten there a little early. Maybe I can just put in my headphones and wait for someone or something interesting.

I plug my ear buds into my phone before putting them in and starting to play music. "How Could This Happen To Me" was the first song that came on. I still hate this song. I used to love it, but I just outgrew it, I guess. Now all it did was remind me of yesterday.

"Sorry, Knife..." I mouth to myself before trying to change the song. When I finally got it to change, I looked up and saw Melody standing there. She seemed to be in a very good mood. I took out one ear bud so I could hear her. "Oh, hey."

"What's up?" she asked before leaning up against the wall next to me.

"Nothing really. What about you?"

The girl looked as though she was going to say something happily before stopping herself and just nodding in agreement. That put me off a bit. There was obviously something she wasn't telling me. It wasn't even a bad thing. It looked like it was good news. Maybe she wasn't allowed to tell me or something, like her mom is pregnant.

That's a bit of a stretch, but it's possible.

"Hey Melody, can I ask you something?" I start, looking up at the sky, rather than at her.

"Sure, hit it." she replied.

"Do you know if Knife likes me?" I question, still looking away.

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