Chapter 10; Uneventful Week

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The past wee was rather uneventful. I mean... It's Thursday now and not much has happened since last Friday besides something on Wednesday. That was when Knife asked me to be her boyfriend and I accepted her request. Melody is happy for us, which is great, but I avoided telling Kane yesterday. I can't hide it from him forever, but I might as well do it for as long as I can. I have no idea what he would do if he found out I actually had a girlfriend. I was talking to Melody before school started this morning.

"So am I the only one who hasn't met Kane...?" Melody asked, looking over at me.

"Well, I mean, Knife met him by accident, I met him by force... It's not like any of us wanted to meet him." I explain, shrugging my shoulders.

"I wouldn't mind meeting him..." she said, looking forward. "You wouldn't have to worry about him thinking I was you girlfriend. I know how to work that out."

"If you really want to meet him, I have to see him today, but you'd have to skip out on class." I told her. It had only been a week and she already understood the whole Kane situation. That's why I liked her... She grasps concepts easily and caught onto things quickly, like me.

"I could just stop by quickly and say hello and get to homeroom kind of late." she proposed before the bell rang. We both walked in together, headed towards the auditorium. We waited in there for a while before Kane entered.

"Who's this?" he asked, looking down at the dark haired girl standing next to me, giving her a smile.

"This is Melody, my friend I told you about." I introduced her as she held out a hand to be shaken.

"Nice to meet you!" she said before Kane shook her hand.

"It's nice to meet you too. You're a pretty one." he smiled. Not too long after, Melody walked to her class. I'm surprised... Kane seemed fine with her.

"So you don't hate Melody?" I asked, sitting next to the tall student.

"Why would I? She seems nice. Not to mention the pin on her shirt." he answered, looking at me as if I was stupid for not knowing,

"What pin...?"

"The LGBT pin on her coat. Did you not see it?" he laughed. "I thought it stood out. It's glad to see someone who supports the LGBT community around here."

"Well... At least you're nice to her..." I said as he ruffled my hair again. I hated that, but I was used to it by now.

"She's cute, you know. I can see why you would like her." he said before putting a hand over mine. I pulled my hand away, blushing at his comment.

"H-hey, she's a good person..."

"Seems like it." he sighed before just looking at me for a while. His smile turned into a frown after a while.

"You okay dude...?"

"Um, yeah..." he said, looking away. What was that all about...? "Ashe, you're a hormonal wreck of a teenager, aren't you?" he asked me, not looking my way.

"Well, that's not offensive at all, but let's go with it." I reply sarcastically. "Sure. Why?"

"I have a question." he said before dropping a major bomb. "I'm sure you've fantasized about one or two of your friends before, haven't you?" I felt the blood instantly rush to my face.

"WHAT KIND OF QUESTION IS THAT?" I ask, my heart beating like a nervous drum.

"I just want to know. Please answer." he said bluntly, not seeming to notice the clearly distressed and off-put state I was in. I paused for a little bit before responding to the question.

"Well... I guess... Yeah..." I managed to stutter out. "Why?"

"Good. I just wanted to know if you did too..." he responded with a slight sigh. What the hell was that supposed to mean...?

"You're kidding me right now. Why would you ask ME that for your confirmation?" I mumble before he stands up and walks over to the teacher at the front of the auditorium. Like last Friday, he came back in a couple of seconds and told me to follow him. I wonder what it's for this time.

Again, like last Friday, I tagged along silently until we made it to the back of the school. The moment we got back there, he pulled me into a hug. I wasn't exactly sure what the purpose of this was and, frankly, I was curious, so rather than instantly try and wriggle my way free, I let him for a while.

"So... The past week, right?" he said, still holding onto me.


"I was thinking a bit, and honestly, my thoughts are frightening me." he laughed nervously, before kneeling to put his forehead to mine. I'll be honest, I was too scared to move, so I continued to just stand there.

"How...?" I asked him, my face growing a little hotter. He smiled, and it seemed almost forced.

"Let's just say you wouldn't like them very much." he chuckled, putting his hand on my face.

That's when things went South. FAR South. As I was still to petrified to move, he placed a kiss on my lips. WHAT DO I DO IN THIS SITUATION!? I would like to think that normally I would back away, possibly kick the culprit in the nuts, and then make a run for it. But that's not what I did. I stayed there because I couldn't find it in myself to do that. I was frozen.

He seemed to be enjoying it, but I was just standing there blinking confused at whatever was ahead of me, my eyes asking 'save me'. That's all I COULD do as my face grew redder. After a while, he backed away and took a breath. I was still standing there, uncomfortably shaking and red.

"That's adorable. You're reaction." he said, smiling.

"Wha-... YOU... Y-YOU DICK! WHAT IN FUCKING HELL WAS THAT!?" I shouted, wanting to run away.

"I told you that you wouldn't like them."

My heart was pounding like nothing else. My reaction was close to a deer about to get hit by a car. I didn't know what I was supposed to do now.

"No... I didn't..." I stated blankly, still just looking forward.

"Are you sure? You seem to be in some sort of shock..." he joked, cupping my face in his hands.

"What's wrong with you...?" I muttered, kind of wanting to cry. I don't know why, but it was my natural reaction to this sot of shock. It's not even like I'm startled that easily. This red-headed dick managed to do it though... I was getting ready to cry before he took my glasses. "H-hey!"

"You're cuter without them, you know." he told me as continued to just shake and blush like a fucking idiot. I wanted to hit him or run, but it was as if I forgot how. It was like I lost control of my body, my feet just bolted to the floor here.

"I don't care..." I said, trying not to pout or tear up. I could only manage to whimper. I was scared as all hell. "I thought you said you weren't gay."

"I'm not." he said, raising his eyebrows. "I'm bisexual." I was just about done with this guy... He was preying on me. "And I find it quite odd that if you didn't want me to kiss you that you didn't back away or anything. What's the deal with that?"

"I couldn't. I didn't know WHAT TO DO..." I replied before he hugged me again. My vision was blurry and now I was completely disoriented. It didn't help that this entire ordeal was making me light headed, but I couldn't see either.

After a while, I got my glasses back and we both walked back to the auditorium. I looked and felt like an utter wreck. He didn't look to good either. Kane remained silent until we were in the school halls.

"I'm not going to lie. This past week, I've been fantasizing about you quite a bit." he stated, turning to me.

"That's not creepy at all..." I mutter sarcastically, back to my old self.

"Yeah, I know... Sorry" he mumbled before we actually walked into the crowded room.

"You better be sorry..."

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