Chapter 4; Close to Home

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        So this was Kane... How... How did I not see that before? The pictures up on the website were from a while ago, sometime like 2010, but still... I should've been able to notice that that was him on the bus or him sitting far away. Maybe I just wasn't paying attention. I'm usually sharp when it cmes to this sort of thing. Is it possible that I was too busy worrying to notice the similarities between him and the picture?

        He looked down at me for a while, my head still scrambled to an extent. His voice alone made my train of thought... burst. The voice was close to scaring me, but it wasn't exactly a scary voice. It just sort of shook me in a way I didn't like to be shaken. His stare had me frozen. I couldn't move or speak if I wanted to. The best I could do is look scared stiff in this chair as he watched down on me. I just had to remember that he was only going to be medlesome in my life. He wasn't something to be feared, but rather ignored and dealt with is needed. He was a pest and nothing more. One that could possibly squish me ironically if he tried, but still.

        I put on a static face just as he did (or what people refer to as my "normal face") and looked him in the eyes with a slight tilt of the head. This had turned into a staring contest of sorts before I managed to respond to his prior comment.

        "Oh, well I was looking for you before? Where were you?" I grunted, resting one hand on the side of my face with a questioning expression.

        "I didn't bother to look for you. I figured you'd come find me, but apparently you're not as bright as the teachers told me you would be so I had to find you instead." he replied so blunt it was sharp. I barely knew him and he seemed to hate me. Well that's exactly what I needed in my life, isn't it.

        "Is that so?" I mumbled, looking back down at my book before he snickered a bit.

        I looked up to see a slight smile upon his lips, my mind doing a small flip with confusion, or possibly shock. What was he smiling for?

        "That's adorable." he laughed quietly, shaking his head as I glared up at him, although it probably wasn't the piercing glare I had hoped for, but rather a dull, stupid looking glare. In my head, I looked threanening. In reality, I likely looked like I was squinting to read some stupid poster from far away.

        "What's adorable?" I scoffed, shutting the book. "I didn't do anything cute and neither did anyone in this room." I continued as he went on with his head shaking and dumb smiling.

        "You're trying to seem like a threat. Like you're a cold, mysterious recluse who can fend for himself. Rather, you're an awkward teenager bookworm who's actually quite socially enept and bored with his life." he explained, leaning against the rown of chairs behind where he stood.

        I had to close my mouth after what he had said. It hit me in a spot I didn't want to admit exsisted. Whatever it meant, it hit close to home. I kept wearing my pout as I adjusted my glare. I couldn't tell whether or not I had a significant breathing pattern. Instead, I was breathing in randomly spaced out bursts, causing me to become generally light headed.

        "I can see it on your face... That hurt you didn't it?" he asked, his smile suddenly becoming less menacing and more tender... Genuine.

        "No." I responded, though  voice was shakier than I would've liked it to be. It sounded so much like I was lying it was insane. I really did look like an idiot, didn't I? How does he just see through me and what I do? It's like he could just stare me down and explain my motivation in a matter of seconds. It was weird and I didn't like it at all. "And what does it matter to you?"

        "I just want to know whether or not I've hurt my little brother." he told me, blinking a lot as hepushed a strand of hair out of his face with his wrist.

        "Don't call me that." I demanded sharply, standing up from my seat. Even then, I was a little more than a head shorter than this guy. It was irritating. "I'm NOT your little brother and I never will be. Got it?" 
        Kane's smile had disappeared and reverted back to his normal, flat facial expression. I think I like this one better than his smile. It doesn't make me feel weird like the others.

        "Alright, fine." he grunted, turning in the direction of the stage. "Brat."

        I wasn't even going to give him my time by complaining about the brat comment. there was another screech coming from the stage which honestly shocked me a bit. I assumed one of the other teachers had come back. It was Mr. Jenkel, wincing at the sound the microphone in his hand had made, holding it away from his body as the shriek died down. Everyone turned in attention to look at him and hear wht he had to say.

        "I'm guessing by now you all have found your brothers. If not, I don't know what to tell you." he shrugged before looking around the auditorium. "I want you all to just talk for a while. Get to know each other." Well I've already got that covered, Mr. Jenkel. He stepped down from the stage to help the boy awkwardly bundled in the dark blue coat find his brother, who was probably absent or something.

        Kane shifted his body towards me again, sighing. "I don't suppose you want to talk to me anymore than you have?" he said, sounding very bitter about the whole situation.

        "No, I don't." I retorted, straight forward, as I went back to reading.


        "I still don't think I'm doing anything even moderately attractive." I responded when I probably shouldn't have.

        "You're cute in the awkward, doesn't-know-what-he's-doing-but-uses-big-words-anyways sense. Not conventionally. Like... In a virgin sense." he went on, explaining himself. "I assume you're a virgin."

        My face began to redden a bit at the sudden comment. Scowling down towards my book, I figured it was better to not respond, as common sense would imply, but rather I continued to argue with him.

        "I do so know what I'm doing." I counter-claimed with a grimace, already upset with my coming response. "And of course I'm a virgin, you pervert."

        "I'm not a pervert. I just assume since you're under age that you would be a virgin. Nothing more nothing less. It's not a personal attack on you, your personality, or your sexual capabilities." he described. "Though you do seem like the type to be sexually awkward as well." he said, followed by a laugh. "That might've been a personal attack. Maybe, maybe not, the world will never know." Who did this guy think was!?

        "I'm not sexually awkward!" I shot back, probably louder than I should've.

      "Keep telling yourself that. One of these days, you'll have a sexual encounter and have no clue what to do."

        ...What was he getting at here? I couldn't help but feel like that was creepier than it should've been. Of course I had to get a weird Big Brother who just randomly decides to bring up my virginity. I could've at least gotten someone who would stay out of my way.

        But no. Instead, I got Kane. Whoop-dee-freakin'-doo...

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