Chapter 3; Meeting the Brother

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        Walking into the auditorium with a sigh, I feel as though I was early, seeing as there were only a few students here. I sat down, three rows before the back of the auditorium, fifth seat to the right, purposely looking as though I chose a completely random seat. I just loved screwing with people like this.It was one of the things that brought me clear joy. The large room was still sort of dark, seeing as no one had turned on all of the lights yet and only the ones hanging in the front were lit.

        There were only a few people in the first rows, including a boy bundled up in a dark blue coat to the point that all you could see was his eyes, some sort of sweating looking kid, and a boy with a bowl hair cut that looked Asian. Great... I couldn't even relate to the other kids stuck in this program... Just great. I awkwardly turned my body to get my book out of my backpack. Hopefully I can survive this if I distract myself well enough.

        More people began to trickle in, along with some teachers who turned on more of the lights, although the ones on the right side of the suditorium were still out, making it rather dark in coparison on that side of the room. It bothered me profusely. I sighed, just staring at the words on the page. I haven't actually looked up in a while, despite the fact I wasn't even reading at this point. I didn't want to read anymore, but I didn't want to feel like I was here either, so staring absent mindedly at a book was the best I could do at this point. When I finally did peek up, I realied the bottom of the auditorium was basically filled at this point and I was about the ony one who had scattered themselves up here, with one exception.

        On the right side of the auditorium's group of chairs (I was on the left since apparently that was where the younger brothers sat), there was a boy who looked like one of the older brothers, who had just sat down in the tenth seat out of twelve in the fourth to last row, his seat looking all random like my own. He likely didn't have a reason for it like I did though. That's when a microphone screeched up on the stage.

        Turning my head, I realized Mrs. Perci, a nineth grade math teacher, was up on the stage, trying to fix the microphone. The only reason I knew her was because I had to go over to the high-school building for math since I was apprenty advanced, even though I only get a B in advanced math. She waved, wearing a baggy, white T-shirt which read "Big Brother Program" in large, murky blue letters. They really went all out with this, didn't they? Most of the brothers had them over their normal clothes as well.

        "Hello gentlemen, and welcome to the Big Brother Program, or should I say, brogram?" Nobody laughed at her joke. Well, that was except for the scattered male on the older brother side, who chuckled a bit. "THANK YOU!" she pointed to him as he sunk back into silence. She coughed and and continued on with her introduction. "Thank you all for joining!" or rather being forced... "Let's move along with the process. Mr. Jenkel?" she stepped down from the mic.

        Mr.Jenkel, the entire school's music teacher, walked up onto Mrs. Perci's previous spot. He went on with directing the first few students to their brothers before something came up and he left us to find the rest of our siblings on our own, which sucked since I didn't really want to get up or anything at this point, but I guess I had to. I pulled the blue paper out of my bag and began my search for Kane, not recognizing anyone in the room. I was on the lower side of the average-height spectrum, so it felt like everyone, especially the thousand older kids who asked me if I was their brother, was towering over me. The attitudes of the older brothers ranged from extremely enthusiastic to looking like they were dragged into this as well. It had been a good five minutes and I still hadn't found Kane so I assumed he just hadn't shown up. I decided to just go back to my chair and read.

        "What are you reading?" asked a voice from behind me. When I heard it, my mind went absolutely dead. It sounded vaguely familiar as I felt a weight on the back of the chair as if someone was leaning on the back of it. I gathered myself quickly so I could create a response.

        "A book..." I said, not turning around, although I did look up onto the scene that was a bunch people trying to find their fake brothers.

        "Well I figured." he replied rather bluntly. I couldn't tell whether he was amused or irritated, which shook me the wrong way. "What book is it?" I honestly couldn't even remember the name of the book I was reading. I turned it around to see the cover.

        "Gone With the Wind..." I answered him. We were reading the book for English Language Arts, so it's not like I had a choice.

        "Ah. That's a good one." he said, a trace of a smile in his voice. "Are you going to turn around anytime soon?" he asked as I could hear him moving in the back.

        "If you want me to be honest, no." I answered, looking back at my book. I heard him walking away after that before I saw the bottom of someone's shirt above my book.

        I didn't just have to look up to see this person's face. I had to look up. He looked down at me, wearing one of those baggy Big Brother shirts, his facial expression static, his arms crossed on his chest. Peering to the side, I noticed the boy who was sitting in the random seat on the Big Brother side was gone even though mostly everyone had found a seat with their brother. That's when it clicked. This was the man from the train. This was the boy from the fourth to last row, tenth chair.

        "Ashe Landon, I assume?" he questioned. I nodded in response. "In that case, I'm your older brother. Nice to meet you."

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