Chapter 1; Against My Will

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        I packed up my things before the bell had the chance to ring. I stood up from my chair followed by the school bell's shrill ring, instructing all of the students to return to our homerooms. My homeroom teacher was the same as my science teacher and she seemed very young and frail at first glance. Despite that, she sure had a set of lungs. As I made my way through the crowded and chaotic hallways, I looked for one of my friends.

        Everyone was always stopping in the middle of the hallway to hug someone or have a slap fight. It was rather irritating for the few of us actually attempting to get to our classes. My friend, Melody, jogged to catch up next to me. Excuse me if this sounds rather blunt or crude, but she honestly has the largest breasts of anyone my age that I've ever had the pleasure of meeting. She waved to me with a smile, breathing  heavily. I wonder what it's like having to carry those around... Is it tiring?

        I've always had a blunt way of speaking unless it's to someone who I know will be siginificantly changed by what I might say. I've never found anyone who has that same form of thought process. I find bluntness rather attractive, but I can't tell you why, for I don't really know.

        "Hey Ashe! You okay? You looked sort of out of it in Mrs. Everil's class." she said with a smile and a tone of laughter in her voice. Her voice was always extremely sweet. It could make even the cruelest people want to vomit rainbows. She was wearing a Vocaloid shirt today... Fantastic. She was likely going through another fangirl flare. She had these at times.

        I thought about how I was going to answer, pushing through upper classmen in an attempt to stay next to Melody.

        "Um, I'm alright." I responded with a sigh. "No need to worry."

        "Okay, I just want you to know that I do care about you and how you're doing." she said as we walked into class, sitting down in our usual seats on opposite sides of the classroom.

         The teacher smiled, returning from what I assumed was the bathroom. She always went to the bathroom before our homeroom at the end of the day. Maybe her bladder is on some sort of schedule... that's what I've concluded. She attempted multiple times to grab her class's attention, but failed until she had to yell.

        "EXCUSE ME!" she shouted, causing the room to fall silent for a whole five seconds. That's probably a record for our homeroom. "Before you can all talk, I have an announcement. I've told you all through the week that the school is sponsoring a Big Brother program and that you could sign up if you liked. I'm going to be handing out papers with your 'brother' on them to the students who requested to have one."

        The Big Brother program. It seemed utterly stupid. Why would you want a fake big brother? Not to mention, if the brothers are coming from this school, there's not much hope for them as a brother figure. I watched the teacher hand out the papers since I really didn't have anything else to do and I had already read through the book I packed. None of my male friends had gotten one. Obviously, they felt the same as I did about the program.

        That's when Ms.Manella placed a blue paper on my desk. I never signed up for this... Obviously, she's making another one of her mistakes, which she often did. If I had a dime for every time she gave someone the wrong paper... Well I might have enough money to buy Melody a Vocaloid for her birthday. She probably woud've walked right by me too if I hadn't called her.

        "Ms.Manella, excuse me," I started, making her turn around and back-track to my seat.

        "What is it Ashe?" she asked, her voice more delecate and motherly than the other teachers.

        "There must be some sort of mistake. I never signed up for this program." I told her, holding out the paper for her to take it. Strangely enough, she pushes my hand down slowly to meet the desk. I looked up at her confused. "Ms, I-"

        "Ashe," she whispered, leaning down closer, "this is your paper."

        "But I never signed up..." I told her, tilting my head. I was ready to argue with this woman.

        "Well... You were one of the few students the school initially selected to take the program." she said with a weak smile.

        So... This wasn't a choice for me? I had to do this? I didn't sign up for this (quite literally)! She walked away since I couldn't seem to find my words. Lousy school... I might as well look over the paper.

        It looked as though my brother's name was Kane.... I had never heard of Kane around the school... He was apparently eighteen, most likely a senior. I was only an eighth grader in the Junior High apendage of the school. I didn't recognize his picture, or from any school activities. Something told me this was going to be utterly crappy.

        I don't need someone meddling in my life as an older brother. I'm already the eldest sibling of two boys and one girl. I don't need someone to show me the ways of life or whatever the brothers in this program are supposed to do.

        I suddenly wondered if my parents were in on this. Maybe they signed me up without my knowing when the program was only first being discussed... But they wouldn't do something like that. Still, they had to know it was going on, or else it wouldn't be allowed, since we required a parent's concent. Whatever the case, it bothered me.

        I didn't want someone new interfearing with my stability.

        Everything is fine the way it is.

        I don't need a big brother.

        I'm fine.

        The paper said that wed be introduced to them in an gathering that would be held in the auditorium tomorrow. Although most of me just wanted to skip the meeting, my morals are, in the end, going to prevent me from not attending.

        I wrapped my scarf around my neck, burying my face in it with a sigh. I adjusted my glasses, which I had knocked out of place. Th bell rang for us to check our lockers and go home. Finally. I managed to hide the paper in my bag before getting up and stepping out once again into the chaotic hallways.

        Tomorrow is going to suck. I can tell.

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