Chapter 12; Speaker Phone

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"So you willingly made out with this guy in public?" Melody asked me in the middle of homeroom on Monday. This was the first chance she got to talk to me face to face about this.

"Well... Kind of, yeah." I answered her question quietly.

"Oh my goodness, man... I mean, if you found a guy you like, that's awesome and all, but come on. You have a girlfriend now... And she doesn't exactly like Kane for whatever reason. From what I've seen out of him, he's a kind and respectable man, but she seems to think otherwise, which isn't good."

"I've thought about that." I told her. "I can't exactly dump her for Kane o something... That'd be horrible for her, I'd imagine..."

"Most likely, yes." my dark haired friend confirmed my suspicion. "Because you still want to be her friend, right?"

"Of course! She's awesome!"

"You just not too sure you want to go out with her any more."


"Then..." she formulated an answer right as the bell rang, "you can tell her that you just want to be friends and tell her you're with Kane later. It's slightly deceptive, but it's better than flat out lying to both of them." she explained as she stood from her desk-chair combo thing... What are those called again? Not sure... "And as much as you would like to do it over text or something, it's going to mean a lot more face to face."

After school, I stood outside, listening to my music for a while. I suddenly got a tap on my shoulder. It was Kane. He gave me a wave before getting on the train with Verona. I waved back a little too late. For some reason, that made me feel bad. I got on my train a while later and sat at home, thinking about things.

I was mainly texting people about random things, pretty bored.

Kane: Hey, do you still have my number from Friday? You should call me, if you do.

That's when I got that message. I was pretty sure that it was saved on my phone somewhere... It keeps a history of all the numbers I call or text. I just need to find the one without a contact name. I called the number and waited for a little bit. It sounded like he was laughing with someone when I picked up.

"Oh, yo." he said, still with traces of laughter in his voice. I couldn't tell it was him on the phone on Friday when I called him for his sister, but now that I knew it was him, it was much easier to identify as his voice.

"Are you with someone else...? Is this a bad time?"

"Pft, no! I told you to call me, didn't I?"

"Well, yeah, I guess you did."

"That's cute. You're so awkward over the phone."

I could hear someone in the background . Multiple people actually.

"Who's that?" the one, probably female , asked.

"Oh, this is the kid I was telling you about." he answered her, his head obviously away from the phone.

"Who are you calling a kid?" I murmured as I heard him put the phone back to his ear.

"Well you are, what, fourteen? Fifteen?"


"Yeah, you're a kid."

"You're only three yeas older than me."

"Yeah, but I'm of the legal age of consent in over half of the American states."

"Yeah, well... I'm of the legal age of consent in... Some other country probably... Maybe Canada, I don't know..." I argued badly, causing him to laugh. "Where are you exactly?"

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