Chapter 2; Cyber Stalking

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        I woke up the next day thinking it was the weekend. As you can imagine, it wasn't.

        It was Thursday.

        And I had to go to that Brother assembly as well... Fantastic. As I swung my legs out of bed, my brownish hair fell over my eyes. I smacked my one hand on the desk next to my bed, searching for my glasses without looking up. After grabbing, them I adjusted them on my face and tried to blink the sleepiness out of my eyes. I looked up at the analouge clock mounted on the wall of my room. It took a while for my brain to process what the time was.

        Apparently, it was only five thirty two, so maybe I could get something done before going to school. Once I wake up, it's impossible for me to get back to sleep, so that doesn't serve as an option. Sitting at the desk, I notice the blue sheet of paper. I slide it over so I can read it over. Kane, huh...? He didn't seem to be involved in any extra-curricular activities or do anything... noticable. Maybe I could look him up a bit more.

       Would that be a creepy thing to do? I have his full name and a picture, so I don't see why I couldn't... opening up my laptop, I went pressed the small power button and waited for the screen to light up. By the time it was loaded, I had read all the way through the paper they gave me about Kane about three times. I decided to search for the school website and see if he had a profile there.

        The seniors helped the computer teacher set up a website where we could all communicate with each other and find tutors and such... But mostly we all just used it to screw around and play games on the forums.

        I don't know why they added that.

        I searched his name to try and find him. Apparently, he's gotten suspended twice... Both for "violent behavior and/or actions". That doesn't give me much hope for this whole Brother thing... Although it does state on his profile that he's in the program, it's nothing more than a stamp. He doesn't seem to post very often either. He has a couple of pictures though. He seems very stiff in most of them, but there are a few where he has a girl all up on his shoulder. It doesn't say when they're from.

        That's when I realize Melody has been frnatically trying to message me for minutes. How long was I wrapped up in Kane's profile? I checked Melody's messages quickly. The site always found the worst time to lag. Of course it does when you're trying to figure out what the fourteen messages your friend just sent you at five fourty are about, but it doesn't give you the time to re-think your choices when you're about to stalk your aparent pseudo-brother. That was a very long sentence...

        Ashe: Wow, what's with all of the messages?

        Melody: I was on and I realized you were on Kane's profile.


        Ashe: Sorry for the Caps lock.

        Melody: It's okay. :)

        Melody: And Knifey taught me the code that shows me what everyone is doing on the site.

        Knife... Knife was another friend of mine, and she was probably cooler than all of them combined. Whatever her deal was, she's able to get us admin status at almost every website we go on because she knows how to "play the system". I can do a lot of computer stuff, but I never thought of doing things like that with my knowledge. Knife was a nice girl though, even if she had the tendancy to be dark.

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