Chapter 9; Shot Through the Heart

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Well, I'm going to admit, I'm frightened. I want to be able to talk to Knife about what happened the day before, but I have no idea how she's going to react. After school let out, I went behind the school to look for her. She usually hung out there for some reason. I peeked around the corner instead of running in and throwing all caution and then some into the wind. Yeah, she was there, listening to music. I walked around and sat next to her for a second. There were no words between us for a good minute or two.

"Why are you here?" she asked, not bothering to even look in my general direction.

"What's wrong?" I question, blinking at her, worried.

"Why do you assume something's wrong?" she asks in a monotonous voice.

"Because you've been avoiding me all day and now you're talking all bland-like..." I answer, laughing nervously because I don't know what else to do. "So... What's up? Did I do something wrong?"

"No, I know... it wasn't your fault. I'm just... kind of embarrassed, I guess." she said, sighing towards her feet.

"There's no need to be embarrassed..." I say, starting to sound a bit like Kane, actually. "I could've just ignored the message, so it was kind of my fault. Sorry..." I shrug before she peers up at me. We share a few looks before I pull down her hood and place a hand on her face. "Can I make it up to you?"

"If you want." she smiled before we shared another kiss. I guess she wasn't mad at me after all, which is good. There was some talking in the distance.

"Oh dammit..." said the first voice.

"What is it?" a second one chimed in.

"These two stupid kids in the background."

"We can crop them out in post, can't we?"

"Yeah, but it wouldn't look as good... It would look like some random picture someone took on vertical with their phone."

"How did it turn out?"

Oh dang, if that the photography club...? They do meet behind here. What were they talking about? Were we the stupid kids? That was very possible...

"How did it turn out?" a third voice questioned, joining the conversation.

"Well... The picture would be great if these two weren't in the background..."


"See them in the back? It's kind of fuzzy, but they're there."

"Oh, I see it." the voice sounded a lot more grim. "What's up?"

We ignored them until the third voice yelled again.


The two of us turned our faces too see three sort of angry looking dudes with a camera. They were kind of far away and my glasses were crooked from kissing Knife, so I couldn't really see who they were or even whether they were girls or boys. I mean, based on their voices, they were probably guys. They stayed silence for a while before the one in the middle started waving his arm.

"Oh, what's up Ashe?"

Oh, you're fucking right now, aren't you? I didn't answer him, but Knife looked at me, seeming confused.

"I think... it's Kane..." I grumble, remembering he was still helping the Photography club this week...

"Are you talking to us?" Knife called out, standing up. She was staring the trio down with her pale blue, almost gray, eyes. They were always sort of intimidating, but I doubt they could see her very well from where they were standing.

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