Chapter 6; Train Talk

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            "I just don't get him, Melody..." I muttered, my face buried in the light blue pillows on Melody's bed. "I just want him to go away. I don't care about him at all."

    "Well he's all you've been talking about, so it kinda sorta looks like you care." Melody, who was overly enthusiastically playing something on a portable game system on the floor up against the bed, suggested. I look up from the pillow for air and roll over onto my back with a grunt.

    "Why would I care about the likes of him? He's annoying and I never wanted him to enter my life in the first place." I tell the long haired girl below me.

    I came to class late that day (because of the program) and everyone wondered what happened. I usually arrive in the last minutes that are considered acceptable, but this time I entered in the last minutes of class. Period. Everyone wanted to know where I had been and what I was doing to be late. Of course, I didn't particularly want to tell them what I had been doing since this Big Brother program was absolutely dumb and who would want to look like they were a part of something absolutely dumb?

    I tried to isolate myself from the other students for the rest of the day after that but I somehow ended up at Melody's house. I guess I wanted someone to talk to. She's so sweet and understanding all of the time... She's usually the one I go to in situations like this. This is a code red situation - rare and dangerous. Naturally, she could talk me through it.

    Or... I assumed.

    "Oh come on, if you didn't care, why would you be trying to get rid of him? If you really didn't care, you wouldn't care about him being there either or be talking about him constantly." Melody brought up, making me think for a second. If I didn't care about him... why would I want to get rid of him? The girl had a valid point...

    "Well... Then I guess I do care. I want him to go away and never come back." I grumbled, standing up from the bed, stretching like a cat.

    "There you go. You want to get rid of him badly, since he's all you talk about." she said, finally agreeing with me. "Either that, or you're in major denial."


    What did she just say?

    "Are you suggesting I like him?" I questioned bluntly, staring down at her with cold eyes.

    "Oh no, not that far. I mean, I don't know. You might kind of want to be friends with him but you don't want to admit it because he's part of the Big Brother program." she brought up before there was a buzzing in her pocket. She paused her game and looked at her phone for a second.

    Melody's a great girl... She's smart, but she's not a show off. She's pretty, but she isn't fake. She's nice, but she isn't smothering... most of the time. She's the kind of girl I'd want to date. I always sort of had a crush on her, but that was unimportant. I wouldn't try to sully what we already have by trying to go into a relationship with her. not that that hasn't worked out with every other girl I've been with. We're all on good terms, actually. No murderous exs for me, thank you very much.

    "Hey... " she held up her phone where there was a picture of a girl with short-ish blue hair, "does she look cute to you?" she asked, her face looking deathly serious, which wasn't a look that she got often.

    "Um..." I looked at the picture for a while. She definitely didn't look like my type, but she didn't look bad... "she doesn't look bad... I guess she's kind of cute? Why?"

    "Oh, okay. Thanks, I just wanted your confirmation." she said with a nod and a small smile, without telling me why she asked me in the first place. I decided to just ignore that and rather think of ways to get rid of Kane.

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