Chapter One: The Beginning

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{"December 9th, 1985.  That's my birthday.  Now I'm already 42.  12 years before, I got divorced with my wife due to family problem.  I admited I didn't make well to be a man, so determined to start my new life."}

{"Hey guys.  I'm Michael Rossi.  I just wrote some histories about big events, aliens, Thanos, and everything else.  But nothing matter than this.  Carol Danvers.  She tried to be a hero, she said she ruined everything."}


(Chinese / Cantonese)


全球第二高樓天塔(The Sky),當晚於縱火被毀。上半部倒塌並壓毀了附近的建築物,造成大量人員傷亡。根據目擊者的證詞,他們看到兩名異能者在大廈頂部的觀景台上打鬥,兩者雙手都有疑似復聯成員驚奇隊長的鐳射炮,直至解放軍趕到現場仍在戰鬥。

天塔,全稱天城壹號大樓,建於2026年,由奧氏國際集團斥資興建。樓高708米,實際使用高度為650米,138層,僅次於阿聯酋迪拜的哈利法塔。 該塔有望超越後者並成為世界最高的建築物,但由於本澳的城市景觀和其他因素放棄了念頭。




News Report about a disaster in May 5th, 2031. Macau, China.

The Sky, the second tallest building in the world, was torched in arson attack at night. The upper half was collapsed and crashed the nearby buildings, causing a lot of casualties. According to testimony of eyewitness, they saw two superhumans fight on the rooftop observation deck of the skyscraper, both of them have lasers from their arms that similar to Captain Marvel, who is a member of Avengers, they kept fighting until the arrival of People's Liberation Army.

The Sky, aka One Skytown, was built in 2026, built by Osborn International Corporations. Its total height 708m and roof height 650m, and 138 stories, preceded only by Burj Khalifa in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. The tower was expected to surpass it and became the tallest building in the world, but discarded that imagine because of the cityscape and other issues in the city of Macau.

In currently, the damaged nearby buildings including Wynn Macau, MGM, and One Central had been imploded and demolished. Original site will plan for commerce centers and a memorial plaza. Strangely, the ruins of "The Sky"'s upper half had no any citizens during years of clean up.

Most of the bodies in the building are commandos from the United States, some of them are officials, some identities of politicians were admitted. All of the employees were allegedly evacuated in the day before arson, and the upper half has been blocked. Case is still investigating, but Avengers must have responsibility about Macau's event.


Before those decades, did Carol have other friends besides Maria Rambeau? She lost a lot of memory, needs someone to remind her.

December 1st, 1965. Van Nuys, California, United States.

Danvers was 5, her family drove for visit their relatives. Actually, her aunt Marion was married to an Air Force pilot Karl Sofen. Her baby is ready to be born. Also accompanied by former partner Charles Stockbridge and his wife Margaret.

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