Chapter Twelve: The Final Fire (Part I)

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May 5th, 2031. Somewhere in the Middle East.

Hope "Hill, we modified that system."

Maria "Then go!"

United States Air Force starts to attack the city. It will make a lot of casualties of citizens. But suddenly, all of missiles are going back into theirselves.

Maria "Yes! We did it. Let's go. Now take down those army. Terrorists either."

Three minutes later, all of the bases will blow up, then Middle East will lost American's control.

But someone hide in their Quinjet.

"Don't move."

Maria Hill and Hope Van Dyne finds out a soldier, Joe Greller. They're now have trouble.

Then a terrorist leader Ghazi Rashid is also hid in the ship.


Washington DC.

Osborn family, including Amberson, Norman, Emily, and a child Harry, attend to the conference of the Os Store. Then some mystery robbers break into it. They're trying to kidnap Osborns.

Then robbers received an uncommon signal, and accidently revealed they're controlling by U.S. Government. Actually, Sharon Ventura broke into government's departments and destroyed all of the politicians. Then flew into the Os Store rescued the people.

"Amberson, Norman. After you safe, here comes the Golden Gliders. Let's stop the bad guys."

Norman looks at his son, and pacify him.

Norman "Harry. Your dad and your grandpa have to go."

Harry "I don't want you go. I want you together."

Amberson "But I must take down those guys who hurting us. Don't worry, after they're down. We'll back together."

Amberson, Norman, and Harry hugging.

Sharon "I'll stay here to take care of them."

They flew up with their gliders.


At night. Macau, China.

Carol remembered some words by Phyla-Vell. 'You have a debit card is made by Anisebank. It's actually your ancestors' founded company. Maybe you have an anise is meaning your strong will is in your heart, forever.'

The Sky's 55th floor is on fire. They still didn't know causes Karla's army cut the connection.

Carol sneaks into an old building and investigating some clue. Hides in dark until she finds the target who is doing unlawful business.

"Don't move."

"你邊位呀?!" (Who the hell are you?!)

(Catches and reveal her photon blast) "Don't give me this shit. You're going with me, or I'll blow up your head."

"有話好講,我咩野都俾你。你千祈咪郁手呀。" (We can just talk, I give everything to you. Don't blow me up.)

"Good." (release her arm.)

Carol follows the criminal to a flat, she finds out some evidence and rotten Abomination's head. Then those criminal escape and try to frame Carol, that causes a fight.

After this moment, Carol saw a bad thing from the window -- The Sky is on fire.

Carol starts to escape and find some way go to The Sky.

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