Chapter Fourteen: Aftermath

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There's few Avengers' members help police and firefighters rescue the people: Monica Rambeau, Sharon Ventura, and Hope Van Dyne.

Survived Minn-Erva went out from the city after the battle. Lloyd Bloch helps to distribute supplies.

After rescued all of survivors, Sharon went to police for surrender and tell the world about the conspiracy by the United States. When Monica tried to bring Avengers home, Hope fainted due to injury.

Only Monica returned to the US for stop the threats. The United States is facing the civil war after government collapsed. When the country is in danger, and Avengers needs more resource to solve it. Hope stayed in Macau for healing, stayed there for 15 days.

If want to find someone for revenge, they need to wait for both Carol and Karla return.


Economic depression keeps going for several years.

Karla Sofen's father is Jewish descent, her mother (Aunt of Carol Danvers) was descendant of a British colonizer. That causes European countries and Israel face public pressure. They will be much difficult to restore themselves without support by Americans.

Her number two, Melissa Gold, was planned to clear other politicians for restore the country and its economy, also that's so hard to make it.


{"The disaster happened in May 5th, 2031. That day, Cinco de Mayo becomes a 'Cinco de Fuego'. Nobody wants to mention about Cinco de Mayo in these years."}

{"In the United States. Vice President Powell shot President, but finally being threw into a reactor and killed."}

{"Almost all of politicians in the United States got destroyed, and arms dealers who support invasions of other countries got wiped out. That's what rebels against the hegemony and imperialists."}

{"Not just America, some cities in other countries were impact and damaged."}

{"Since the Cold war ends, the United States started their hegemony actions. Wiped out the countries, created terrorists. Their own country is not being well for this, thousands of citizens being shot in each year. Needy family just increasing. Most of the wealth is in the minority."}

{"I'm not against it. Now there's still have many people are successful to stand up from 'Law of jungle', which they overcome the difficulties. That means they will have a chance to transform to minority."}

{"They use different ways to do their hegemony behaviors and just for their own interest. No countries dare to against. But it was finally destroyed by its own Americans."}

{"The United States of America is now anarchy. The country is already confusion. Now it makes matter worse."}

{"Big enterprises disappears cause many people lost their job. The population of needy is improving quickly."}

{"Many kinds of systems is paralyzed in the United States. Famine is happened after several years. There's still have many shooting crimes. Because more people is lived in inner cities, they're out from the downtowns."}

{"Now most of the Armed Forces are rebels. Even if they help people to overcome obstacles, but still can't solve the entire problem."}

{"In Chicago, Security Station and Air Force Base on top floor of the Willis Tower, nobody use them. All offices are empty."}

{"Manhattan is deserted. Without those merchants, there is nothing happen, nothing."}

{"We haven't saw Spider-Man for a long time."}

{"Without American's support, those are happened. Famine is first happened in Japan. South Korea still haven't created a completed armed forces. Israel's only choice is make a good relationship with Arab ASAP, they can't stand it alone."}

{"During a decade, Europe (Or we mean European Union) is trying to resurrect themselves to make them great again. But it's too difficult, they've supported by the United States for a long time. You think they'll revive as a strong Europe?"}

{"Many countries including will lost that large marketing. some special techniques needs their support even if that's large and strong countries like Russia and China, they're also will lost their largest support."}


{"Yes, they're evil, but it's still a country with high technologies and economy marketing. Even if the merchants and politicians did many evil things, they're still pay their high technique and products for the world."}

{"Why someone, and they're Avengers, they had to revenge? Those politicians did many crimes but no any way to punish, they angered about their lost, they have to finish them and brought the peace. However, they still hadn't mind out some point. That's not just an alien hybrid can solve this problem."}

{"If the rebels revenged successfully, they must do everything for resurrect the economy, and improve the environment of the social. Otherwise, their country will finally disappeared without our notice."}


{"Not going to tell you corruption. Any countries have. That's what we need a completed policy, to limit everyone including both most and minority."}

{"Many countries hate the United States, because of their behavior which set wars in everywhere. They're not allowed to against them, but American themselves can. It happened in 2031 disaster, by an angered Air Force General. Unless other countries have enough power to support the world's social, or they'll still keep happening with the confusion."}

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