Chapter Thirteen: The Final Fire (Part II)

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May 5th, 2031. United Nations Office. Geneva, Switzerland.

Phyla-Vell is watching and feeling the world is changing. Suddenly Minn-Erva comes.

"I heard Vers said Mar-Vell has a sister. Why I didn't know this thing?"

"Welcome back, Minn-Evra. I know you're also bainwashed as a Starforce warrior. Now times to wake up. I don't need to fight you. Then we'll know who is evil."

Minn-Erva shoots but failed, Phyla has shield.

"Not bad, Minn-Erva. Missing for 30 years, you're still a strong warrior. Have you ever read some newspapers to improve your brain."

"That's not about newspaper to resolve me."

"But you'll know the truth. Before the great change, Kree empire murdered many species of residents, now your boss Yon-Rogg has his children, but all of them joined the rebels."

Both of them fights. Both lose.

"You'll see, Minn-Erva. The evils will finally down. You must face the reality."

Minn-Erva calls Carol. "Where are you, Vers?"


Same Time. Macau, China. Swallowed by dust.

Carol and Sharon wake up and continue to fight. Sharon with anger, but Carol not. Carol still want Sharon to turn back. Carol is injured seriously and lost, defeated by Sharon Ventura.

Carol remembered some words from a former mentor, later the enemy.



"I'm so proud of you. You've come a long way since that day I found you by the lake. But can you keep your emotions in check long enough to take me on? Or will they get the better of you as always? I always told you you'll be ready the day you'll knock me down as yourself. This is that moment. This is that moment, Vers! Turn off the light show, and prove, prove to me, you can beat me without ..."


Carol (Thinks herself) "I have nothing to proud ... to me?!"

36 years earlier, Carol beats Yon-Rogg; but now, she got beaten by Sharon. Carol minds out yourself and give up the fight.

"Sorry but I failed you. You don't have to forgive me. Just beat me, for good. Then you'll bring the peace to people."

Sharon tears, comes to Carol.

"You're going with us, Carol. We're the same."

"Yes, we did."

Suddenly a building collapses. Carol throws Sharon to a safe place, she crashed by a building.

Sharon watched. Yells. "EVERYBODY SAVE CAROL!!!"

Before she get hopeless, she digs the rubble and save her. Sharon is temporary coma after saved Carol.

Karla and Lloyd were surrounded by superhuman agents, before both are facing to be wiped out, Karla shoots all of them. Then got supports -- Monica and Minn-Erva. During this fight, they're still defeated them, and finally the last one was stabbed by injured Karla.


Same time, United Nations Office. Geneva, Switzerland.

After Phyla-Vell fought with Minn-Erva, who survived in battle of the canyon.

Phyla-Vell connects to Kree Rebels.

Phyla-Vell "Guys, C-53 is done with the revolution, gets rid of the empire's control. Now we have the next stop, we must overthrow the imperialism Kree Empire. Then I must move before the police come."

Captain Marvel: The Rising Photons (Early Version)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang