Chapter Eleven: Going to Stop Trouble

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January 24th, 2034. International Criminal Court, The Hague, Netherlands.

Carol Danvers, aka Captain Marvel, was charged with war crimes due to the 2031 Macau Disaster and was sued by ICC. She went to court in this time.

Actually, after the fall of the United States, many soldiers, agents, merchants, and politicians are sued, being arrested, or escaped. There comes urban legends such as Bush Submarine, Patriot UFO. Everything happened is caused by someone forcibly changing the world.


There's one of the excerpts.

Judge Barbosa "Defendant Ms. Danvers, I watched your confessions, you're indeed blinded by many things. Now we elaborate some news you're definitely know."

Judge Barbosa "10:06, May 5th, 2031. Tokyo Yasukuni Shrine occured an explosion, someone said that's a power from one of Avengers, did you know this event?"

Carol "Yes. I watched the news, but I'm not in Tokyo."



Oscorp was originally a software company who founded by Amberson Osborn. The company was once tried to make their own operating system, but failed many times. It was successfully created after a few decades, after the previous one Google Fuchsia. Then Oscorp has already developed their bio-technologies and real estate.


May 3rd, 2031.

Some employees are kidnapped by CIA and being tortured. And Richard Powell comes.

Powell "I give to the last chance. If you can tell me the location of Osborn, we'll process tolerantly."

Employee A "I need to call them, they know what they've been."

Employee B "We really don't know where they are."

Powell "Finish them."

Employees scream, someone is still hope of mercy.

Manager "Don't hurt them. I know where their plan."

They stop torturing.

Manager "Osborn will attend to a conference in Washington Os Store. The conference starts in the morning of May 5th."

Powell learnt about the words. Then the screen skips into the door side. Employees screams again.


Same time. Washington DC.

Norman "We have no ways to go, dad. Finally the Golden Gliders will be needed. We have to against them."

Amberson (Nods) "Right. We've waited a long time for this. Now that's our turn. Send security into Os Store. Everyone else must be checked in gates."


Same Time. The Sky. Macau, China.

Karla flew into the building with a cargo of resource. Then send all of the employees on the upper half to home (50th~139th Floor).

66th Floor Indoor Farm.

The Sky's employee "Can you tell me what's going on, Karla?"

Karla "System's issue, Zoey. I'll finish the other works."


Morning of May 5th, 2031. First Municipal People's Hospital, Guangzhou.

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