Chapter Fifteen: Finale

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December 18th, 2033. Washington D.C., United States.

Nancy Pelosi, the last leader of the United States, is reading her last speech.

"Good evening. In the recent times, American is trapped during the most terrible times. We lost so many talented people in the Federal Government, including Dick Cheney, Mike Pompeo, and Jeffery McCarthy. Our soldiers, in Arab, in Tokyo, in Macau, they're gone. Almost no one survived in the weird event. Now our power lowered as a developing country."

"Since 1776, the birth of the United States. We gained more power, more capital, for freedom, for democracy, for the great America. During two World Wars, the world had known we have power to save the world, like now Avengers did. No one can challenge with our country, either Soviets. Until now, we're still the mightiest country in the world, and the largest economy. But finally, someone killed it, they destroyed everything from us. It can prove there has never be great without our country."

"Commotion is still happened for the years. We're finally recognized Federal Government is powerless. We're officially announced, the Federal Government of the United States, is over. To the end of the government's rule for 257 years."

"Although the United States failed with its effection, one day, if American oppressed by power from some countries, the freedom and democracy will return, and become the mightiest tower of the world."

"I wish all the best to all of you."

Pelosi walked to the right door after her speech. After several years, the world has no message by American politicians, no one knows where they've been.


January 24th, 2034. International Criminal Court.

Judge Kim "Yes, Judge. Fire and the energy are much easier to destroy a skyscraper."

Judge Harrison "Ms. Danvers, before that night, your partner Ms. Rambeau told you don't go to Macau, because you'll blow up the city. The news revealed the Avengers rescued whole 30 captives from U.S. soldiers."

Carol "Avengers must have my help with those horrible things. I got hurt before I made trouble. It's not possible to blow up a building. To save everyone, save Avengers, save my cousin, I must help them."

Judge Kim "Had you seen something weird in the building, Ms. Danvers?"

Carol "Explosive devices, placed in columns, walls, and stairs. They're easily to damage the structure. The building will finally collapse. So I let Hill and Hope go away, I stayed there to find Karla."

Judge Barbosa "Thank you, Ms. Danvers. According to the previous investigation, all of the people evacuated from the floors above 50th floor, and gets blocked before the arson. 5,000 American soldiers entered to the upper half for false flag action. Since the 55th floor was on fire, one floor blows up in each 10 floors, until the reactor exploded and melt the structure. Those American soldiers are trapped and killed during the collapse, no one survived. Even if the citizens evacuated, the upper half of building smashed the casinos, caused 505 casualties."

Judge Barbosa "'One Skytown' collapses was a signal. The rebels from the whole world surrounded and annihilated U.S. soldiers. The supporting power of America gets destroyed, someone killed the president McCarthy and vice president Powell. Many arms dealers are annihilated."

Judge Harrison "Those arms dealers and officials who created Psyche-Magnetron, McCarthy and Powell. Members of Bush and Obama's Presidency, most of them died of unknown causes. Marvin Nelson, chairman of LM Company, died of unknown cases in 2026. When Nelson was watching 'Spider-Men Swinging Show' in Singapore, he suddenly fell off from Marina Bay Sands. In 2029, President Jeb Bush and his cabinet members were missing. After those events, the United States Government became much crazier, until old Pelosi's America downfall speech in 2033."

Judge Harrison "So, Ms. Danvers. Your cousin, Katherine Sofen Bloch, went to court three months ago. She told you all of truth about American hegemony, she wants you to do something, to stop them. What do you think, Danvers?"

Carol "I told her many times not to do mad things. Her answer is, if she did nothing, those politicians would have controlled the whole world, people would trap in the darkness."

Judge Harrison "If American sent you to Iraq War as you have super power, forced you murdered those citizens, being framed, and lost your family. How would you do?"

Carol "I will bear it, until a chance to reveal the truth, still have to bring justice for people. I did the same thing in elsewhere. I would get hurt, but they're unable to assassinate me. We're in a cruel world, good things and bad things should have. The only thing that's matter, I just want to be a good guy. I hope I don't cause someone mad again."

Judge Kim "You really do this?" (Whispers to Barbosa) "That's so hard to handle, Judge. And it's time to pause."

Judge Barbosa "Thanks for your speaking, Ms. Danvers. I guess we're time to pause. You can continue to talk if you have to." (Seconds Later) "Now we pause."

The court paused.


{"I watched a movie which is released in January 17th, 2036.  Called 'Stars and Stripes'.  Starring Jacob Tremblay, Mckenna Grace, Chris Pine, Zac Efron, and Ella Jay Basco.  The line-up is similar as 'Jack Ryan: The Shadow Recruit', but story is talking about the soldiers called themselves 'patriots', joined the wars, joined the missions, but finally trapped in the skyscraper.  5,000 American soldiers were finally killed during the building collapsed."}

After Michael watched a book which is wroted by himself and his partners, he revealed the book called 'Heroes Era'.

{"The government extracted Carol's power, caused a horrible disaster.  Not just Carol, her family, Osborns, and Avengers.  They're victims."}

{"For benefit from wars.  America created different kinds of strategic weapons.  Like someone said, they're going to pay for that.  Now those politicians are dead.  United States is no more."}

{"Carol and Karla.  Their ancestor, Sir Cathal Ó Conchobhair, was a colonizer, he successfully occupied Attilan Island on the Atlantic Ocean.  In 1940s, The chartered company which he started is changed to 'Attilan Internationalised Banking Corporation', aka 'Anisebank'.  But ... nevermind, I believe Carol is a good person.  She said she would made much horrible than this, but she never do."}

Michael watches the reconstructing Macau.

{"Now they're rebuilding the city, Carol.  Your encounter is over.  We wrote some books about the imperialists.  Rise and fall.  It's already happened.  We can do it together, the sunrise is always coming.  I'm always imagine you behind me, Carol.  You'll be stayed in my memory, forever."}

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