Kickstarting phase 2

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[Header image of Chaol Westfall]

It only took Celaena a couple of days to figure out the patterns of Lysandra's moves and get in position to play the next part of her plan; infiltrating the school's hive. There was no better way to do so, than by going after the queen bee herself.

She had looked up Lysandra's schedule on the ghost program she had running on her computer, which meant she had all the information about every student only one click away. Once she knew where Lysandra was meant to be at all times, it was easy to figure out the places she was hanging out in between classes. Every day, like a clock, Lysandra went to the bathroom closer to the cafeteria between the second and third period, usually on her own.

On Friday, Celaena made sure to be in that bathroom five minutes beforehand. She was standing in front of the mirror touching up her burgundy lipstick as the queen bee walked in, just as expected.

Lysandra walked in confidently, checked her perfect hair in the mirror, adjusted her headband so it was placed just at the right angle, and then looked to her side, noticing Celaena standing there. Celaena's chin was held high as she perfected the last touches of her own makeup and looked into the mirror, staring at her own brown eyes. She was still not used to them, they seemed so dull, but it had been fun to play with eyeshadow colors that would have normally clashed with her turquoise irises.

"Hey," Celaena said as she finished up and looked at Lysandra. She used the same sweet tone she normally used when asking Arobynn for a favor.

"Hi," Lysandra replied, looking puzzled for a second, but then turning around to fully face her. "I like that lipstick color you're using; may I?" She added, extending a hand towards Celaena.


Lysandra grabbed the lipstick off her, rolled it over in her fingers, and then tapped her thin lips with it making their cream color turn almost the same shade as Celaena's.

Celaena knew it was now or never, she had to swallow her pride and do whatever was needed to make things work, to get closer, to get inside the inner circle. As repulsed as she felt about being one of the popular kids, it was a needed part of her plan.

"I hear tryouts for cheerleaders are next week, are there any openings available?" Celaena asked, playing with her hair and trying to look as innocent as a sheep... As far from reality as possible.

Lysandra looked her up and down before replying.

"You look decent enough, do you go to the gym often? Or were you on the squad in your old school? This is no joke, we take cheering seriously in Adarlan Elite," she said with a stern voice, but there was a small smile tugging at her lips.

"Give me the chance, and I will prove worthy," Celaena replied, making sure to say as little as possible. The best way to keep up a lie was by omission, and saying as few untrue facts as possible always helped keep up charades for longer. Being in Adarlan's school was certainly going to be the longest time she had spent as someone else.

"Are you a base or a flyer?" She asked, her emerald eyes still looking Celaena up and down.

"Whatever you need, I can be either, but I will rather be a base."

"Okay," Lysandra said, and a little smile made the side of her lips tug up. "I'll see you there next Tuesday, don't be late, and don't disappoint me. We actually really need new recruits, most of our best graduated last year," she finished as she turned around to walk away.

"Won't," Celaena said under her breath. There was no way she could disappoint. It was going to be harder to keep her performance on the down-low and not bring too much attention to herself than it was going to be making it into the squad. She had absolutely no doubt that she'd be wearing a cheerleader's uniform by the time training officially started.

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