It doesn't change a thing

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NOTE: OMG! Buckle up, this is one of my favorite chapters so far! There's a short story related to the end of this chapter that I might upload elsewhere or add at the end of this later on if you guys want to read about it! I'll leave another note at the end! ;) 

If you love Sam as much as I do, you'll love this chapter as you'll get to see another side of him, one I've been waiting a really long time to show <3

PS: Top image is Ress (guard from the glass palace) aka Ress Brulleman in this story :)


Time was going by too quickly, and Sam felt torn in between worlds. Attempting to help Aelin, and doing jobs during the night for Arobynn was exhausting, but dealing with the ball committee had been on a whole other level.

"Sam, please pass me those scissors there."

"Briar, hurry up, we need all those cut up by yesterday!"

"Imogen? Where's Imogen? Has anybody seen Imogen? Agh, come on everybody, we have eight hours until people start arriving, and we're not nearly there!"

"Lys," Sam approached her cautiously, his palms raised and a gentle smile on his face.

"What now? What's wrong?" Lysandra kept walking around, making sure everybody was working, and Sam followed her, his feet moving fast to keep the pace.

"Lys, slow down."

She kept walking, grabbed a bunch of balloons, and tied them up together as she headed towards the stage where she secured them to one side.

"Lys, stop, and look at me." She finally turned around, her eyes frantically rushing across his face as if looking for the motive of the interruption. "What's wrong?"

"What do you mean, what's wrong? There's a lot to do, and we're running behind, and Imogen just disappeared, and-"

"Hey, hey, slow down, take a deep breath." He reached over and grabbed her hands in his, locking eyes with her. "Breathe with me, in through the nose." He inhaled deeply, and Lysandra copied him. "And blow it out," he exhaled as he spoke, blowing the rest of the air loudly and watching Lys do the same. "That's better, now tell me, what's wrong."

"Nothing, I'm just stressed about the ball."

Sam lifted a brow and pushed his lips to one side. "It's just a Halloween party, it's not even a formal ball, and we have plenty of time to get ready. So... I know something else is wrong. If you don't want to talk about it, that's fine, but know that I'm here if you need me, okay?"

Lysandra's shoulders relaxed a bit as he spoke, and he knew she was about to tell him everything before she even started.

"You're right. I'm sorry, I'm being a pain in everybody's backside, I'm being so silly. I fought with Aedion earlier on, and I shouldn't be taking it out on all of you."

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"Actually, I think I do... I have an idea," she turned around to address the crowd that was inflating balloons, painting props and hanging fake spider webs from the walls. "Everybody, head out to grab some fresh air and something to eat, we meet back here in twenty minutes!"

They all chanted happily and thanked Lysandra as they headed out of the school's gym, leaving them alone in the big room. Lys sat on the edge of the stage, and Sam jumped up to sit next to her.

"Are you okay?" He asked as he reached over and laid a hand on her knee.

"I am," Lys put her hand over Sam's, and squeezed it gently. "It was so stupid, I don't know why I'm worrying you with all my drama."

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