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[Header image is Connall Moonbeam]

NOTE: Here we are! Finally! Hope you haven't hated me too much for the previous cliffhangers and change of POV haha Okay, won't keep you for longer, go, read, enjoy!

WARNING: Violence (as usual), sexual assault is mentioned  (no graphic scenes).

Cain's fingers were digging into Celaena's throat, and her shoulders were tightly pulled back as her wrists were pinned together at her back.

"Now you'll pay for making me look like a fool," Xavier's lips brushed against her ear from behind, making her want to puke. She opened up her mouth to speak, but Cain's grip tightened, making her gasp for air instead.

"No, little princess, your time for speaking is over, now you listen, and enjoy," Cain ran a finger through the side of her face, and pushed his thumb against the sore spot over her temple. The blood was dripping down her cheek, her brow split up after Cain's last punch.

His fingers lingered around the edge of her mask, playing with it. As he pulled from it in one fast motion, bright lights shined behind his back. Cain looked over his shoulder, and Celaena used the distraction to bring both of her knees up to her chest and kicked Cain hard against the stomach. Xavier stammered back, and she fell on top of him, pain shooting up her shoulder as they both hit the floor.

"Hey!" Through the blinding light, a new figure emerged from the street.

Celaena got up and kicked Xavier in the ribs over and over while he laid on the floor. He crawled back against the wall and used it for support to get up when she doubled over, the pain on her side finally unbearable. Before she could recover, Xavier ran past her and out of the alley. The newcomer was wrestling with Cain, a blur of fists and arms dancing in the air only a few feet away.

Celaena rested a hand over the wall and doubled over holding her side. Blood was dripping down again, the floor moving under her feet. She turned, pushing her back against the wall, trying to steady herself. Wait for the brawl to move to the side, and run through the gap, she told herself. When the newcomer pinned Cain against the wall, Celaena ran towards the light, feeling herself move in slow motion, a hand still braced against the wall until she got to the end of the alley. Before she could turn the corner, a pair of hands grabbed her from behind, and she threw her elbow back, hitting something solid.

"Agh, hot damn girl, I'm here to help you."

She turned around towards the strained voice behind her. "I don't... need... help." She wheezed between each word and spat blood onto the concrete as she finished.

"You're tougher than they give you credit for. Now come on, I have your bag, let's get you somewhere where I can look at those wounds." She looked up, and found Fenrys' onyx eyes looking down at her, his golden hair was all messed up, and there was a small cut to the side of his cheekbone.

"Cain?" Her voice was so small, she mentally scolded herself for it.

"Unconscious," Fenrys said with a smug smile. "Now, please? Would you let me help you? Not because you need the help, but because I want to help you."

He had her bag hanging from a shoulder, and a pair of car keys dangling from his hand. His car was parked at the entrance of the alley, the lights still on, illuminating Cain's body slumped over in the middle of the alleyway. She didn't have much choice, she had lost too much blood and there was no way she could make it to Arobynn's place on her own.

As she nodded slowly, Connall jumped out of the passenger seat of the car and opened up the back door for her.

"Thank you brother, better late than never," Fenrys' joked.

Fireheart [Fanfiction - Alternate Universe]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora