Making it Home

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NOTE: So sorry it took this long to upload this chapter, but life's been busy and I want these chapters to be perfect and reflect everything the characters have been up to so far!

There are so many threads in the story, I'm doing my best to keep them all going and make sure I don't leave any character behind! D:

Things are closing in, everyones' slowly coming into the picture at the same time, and we all know what that means! :O But before it all blows up... will we get some sweet smutty romance? Well, stay around and see for yourself :O Because we might! D:


Aelin looked at the closed door, fighting the urge to get up and go after Rowan. She didn't know why she had that sudden need, that irrational desire to ask him to stay, to have him by her side. She had never been the kind of person to need someone to navigate her turmoils, not since she'd become Celaena. So she looked away and told herself she didn't need it, she didn't need him.

She got up from the couch and walked to the kitchen, opening up the fridge and getting some leftover pizza out. She shoved it in the microwave and sat on the counter as she waited for the food to be ready.

So, Elide knows who I am, she thought.

She jumped off the counter and paced the room.

Elide knows who I am.

The truth sat heavily on her chest, and she took her phone out of a pocket and looked at all the notifications. She had a few missed calls from Dorian and a few texts from him too. Also, there was one text from Elide. She'd probably gotten her number from Dorian, or the database.

'I won't say a word. I hope you're okay. Thinking of you.'

That was all Elide had said, and Celaena couldn't answer, she didn't have any words yet. What was she supposed to say? She scrolled down to Dorian's texts instead and replied quickly so he wouldn't worry or do anything stupid like break into her room looking for her. He had proved to be as impulsive as she was sometimes.

'I'm okay, just the usual drama. Give your dad Hell for me.'

She finished with a winky face and hoped Dorian wouldn't suspect anything weird was going on.

His reply made her phone vibrate within a second, 'Okay, princess, take care.'

She hated when he called her that, and he knew it.

"Asshole," she breathed out, but her tone was playful and there was a half-smile on her lips as she said it.

The microwave beeped and she took the pizza out, walking back over to the couch. She turned on the TV for background noise and looked through her missed calls. None were from Sam. They hadn't spoken that much on the last few days, and if she was honest with herself, she missed him. Not that she'd ever admit it out loud.

It seemed like Sam was living his own life, he had taken befriending everyone at school too seriously, and he seemed to fit right in. He was great friends with Lysandra and Aedion, and also with all the guys from the team, whom she'd seen him hanging out with all the time. He'd still showed up in her room at the hotel a few times during the last few weeks, and he knew what was going on with Rowan and what the plan was, but she didn't feel like he was that involved anymore. It wasn't his fight, she should be able to leave him out of it. But at the same time, she felt like she had to let him know that Lorcan knew about them. That Elide had figured out who she was.

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