Ménage à trois

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Note: Bringing you a bit of a different chapter today, and I have a feeling you might either love me or hate me for it! This is a multiple POVs chapter, it's pretty obvious whose is which, but thought I'd let you know. I really hope you enjoy this little bit of fluff after the hard few chapters I just put you all through! Haha


The weeks following the Halloween party were not particularly quiet in the Ashryver household. Aedion had gotten over his fight with Lysandra, but there was still something bugging him deep down, and he couldn't shake it. Lysandra had never been the jealous type and that had been one of the biggest reasons he always felt so comfortable around her.

Aedion considered himself to be a free spirit in so many ways. He wasn't the most expressive in matters of love, but he did certainly have a lot of love to give. And not only to Lysandra. He had a deep understanding with a lot of the guys from his team and he considered them to be part of the family. He would've given an arm for any of them without thinking about it twice. Aedion cared about the people around him, and he did so deeply. He felt everything so strongly, so purely, that sometimes he thought there was something wrong with him. Sometimes the emotions took over, and they did not always end up being expressed the right way, or the way he intended.

Aedion felt a lot, but he didn't know how to deal with it.

And maybe that was the thing about him, he was willing to give everything for those he cared about. And he cared about Lysandra, a lot. So he had given her everything, even when he didn't think he was ready for it.

"Aedion, dinner is ready!" his father yelled from the main floor.

"Coming!" he yelled back.

He put the controller down and turned off the video game console, heading down the stairs within a matter of minutes. Dinners at their house were normally the only quiet time. Gavriel Ashryver might have had a lot of defects, but when his wife had passed away, he had promised Aedion that he would always have time for him, even if just for a few hours a day. So dinner had turned into a sacred time for them.

During the day, the house filled up with business meetings, partners of the company coming and going, people going around the house, maids cleaning up, chauffeurs coming in and out of the lounge through the front door. But at night time, the house quieted down and Aedion got to spend time with his father: and sometimes also with Lys, whenever she'd go over for dinner.

"Is Lys not coming?" Gavriel asked as if reading Aedion's mind.

"No, she's not, she wanted to spend some time with her parents before they left on a business trip," he replied.

"Are you two alright? Did you fight again?"

"Not really," Aedion replied, thinking it over. They hadn't fought after the Halloween party, but something had remained strained between them.

Lysandra had complained about him spending too much time with Ress lately, and he had been so annoyed at the jealousy display. He was free to spend time with whomever he wanted, and if Lysandra couldn't understand that, maybe they were not meant for each other after all. He loved her, he really did, but sometimes he struggled to imagine a future by her side. The Ashryver heir wasn't sure they wanted the same things out of life. Lysandra was planning on opening a beauty business, she wanted the world to know her, her name to be in newspapers and magazines. And Aedion just wanted to move out of town where no one knew the Ashryver last name, somewhere where people didn't look at him like he was the boy that had lost most of his family at such a young age.

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