Sleepy Inky

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Art not by me.

Background information: Ink has a problem that makes him sometimes act younger then he is. So he gets easily disoriented and no one knows about it except Error.

Error's POV

Ink's been gone for a while now. He said he needed to go help the stars with a few universes, but it doesn't usually take this long. I sat on the couch in the house Inky made for us, I tapped my foot on the floor messing around with my strings in my hands. I listened to the sounds of quiet in our house, something you wouldn't usually find, however it was quickly broken by my phone ringing. I quickly grabbed it from the table in case it was Ink, but it was some random number instead. I clicked answer and heard someone's voice over the speaker.

"Um..hello?" It said.

"..." I didn't say anything, wondering if the person would elaborate.

"Um..this is Dream. Is this Error?" Dream said. Since when does Dream call me?


"Ok..E-Error, you know what's wrong with Ink?" Dream asked. I bit my non existent lip. If he was talking about what I thought he was this wasn't gonna be good. Ink didn't want anyone to find out about what had happened to him, or what it had done to him.

"WhAt do yOu meaN?" I asked, sitting straight up ready to teleport to where they were if need be.

"Well... we were trying to fix this Au after some of the bad sanses came through here, but after a while he just sat down in the middle of the snow and he won't talk to us, or even acknowledge us. He's just sitting there. Oh stars...Ink?" Dream said, his voice laced with panic.

"DrEam-wHat hApPened?" I said quickly, already standing by now. Ink did this a lot, when he started to age regress, it depends on the situation of course, but at times he'll just sit there and won't do anything. It could last for a few minutes or all day.

"He's started crying, and he's..he's clutching his head. Blue stop him!" Dream yelled, "I can't get him to calm down even with my magic."

"WhAt Au aRe yOu in?" I asked, summoning my Au log in to teleport.

"Um..FloweyTale, number 1362, I think." Dream said.

"I'll bE thEre iN a miNute." I said, hanging up and teleporting to that specific Au. I landed in Snowdin and walked through the somewhat deserted town till I saw Blue sitting next to a crying and panicking Ink, Dream was standing over them trying to calm Ink down. I ran over and slid next to Ink, and hugged him quickly.

"Error?" Blue said, I looked up at blue and gave him a look of 'be quiet'. With Ink's small stature it was easy to pick him up in my arms. I held him as you would I child, probably confusing Dream and Blue even more.

"I'lL eXplAin latEr." I said quietly, teleporting us back to our house. "YoU ok, kIki?" I heard Ink sniff and mumble a yes as he pushed his head deeper into my shoulder. I rubbed circles on his back making him calm down a little more. "WhAt's wRong?" I asked him quietly.

"Sleepy." Ink whispered.

"WanNa take a naP?" I asked smiling at him.

"Mhmm...Take a nap..." ink said, half way asleep already. He was shivering a little so I walked over to the couch and sat down with him still in my arms. I pulled a blanket over him and he quickly fell asleep. I smiled down at him, and kissed him on his forehead, "lovE ya kIki."

About an hour later, Ink started to squirm. He twisted this way and that, and I could tell he was having a nightmare. I grimaced and made a mental note to punch Night later. I shook his shoulder a little to wake him up, and he woke up with a start.

"N-n-no m-more." He whispered halfway asleep. I shook him again and he woke up entirely. He looked at me and then the couch and the back at me. "Did I?"

"YeS." I answered.

"Oh...did anyone see?" He asked, a little embarrassed. I nodded solemnly. His eye sockets widened, and he started to shake a little. I grabbed his arms and looked him in the eye, "it's oK. It's Ok. It waS juSt bLue aNd dreAm." Ink started to calm himself down a little.

"Wh-what did I do?" Ink said.

"You kInd oF jUst stoPped aNd saT dOwn anD weRen'T rEspOndinG. TheN yoU sTarted Crying, I goT yoU bAck hEre anD yOu wAnteD to Take a Nap." I answered, Ink nodded and rubbed his eyes, I could tell he was still tired.

"Have you told them-"

"No. NoT yEt."

Ink nodded again, and he closed his eyes for a few moments.

"WheN wAs tHe lAst tIme yOu slEpt? RealLy sLept. No niGhtmAres?"

"Mm...I don't remember." Ink said. I knew that was a bad answer if he can't remember the last time he slept. I grabbed a pillow from one of the chairs and placed it next to him, "go To sLeep. I'lL dEal wIth bLue anD dreAm." Reluctantly Ink did as I said and laid back down.

"Do You wAnnA say, wHat iT wAs aBout?" I asked, referring to his nightmare. I could tell he was still hung up on it, because of the way he clutched his pillow. I put a hand on his shoulder to calm him down.

"B-before." Was all he said, but it was enough.

"Ok." I sighed, I knew what he meant, he was talking about what happened, that made him age regress like this. The thing that started it all. "ImmA gO talK to DreAm aNd Blue, yOu knoW wHat to do if yOu neEd me, riGht?"

Ink nodded.

"Ok." I sighed and teleported away.

If you want more of any oneshot I've done please tell me in the comments along with any suggestions you have!

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