New Kid

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In this Au, All the sanses are in middle school of sorts. So they're all around the ages of thirteen to fifteen, k? Ink is mute and can't talk, he's is also new to the school, I don't know if this will have many parts, tell me if ya want more.

Ink's POV

Today was the start of a new school, to be completely honest I was pretty nervous. The reason I had left my old one was because of the bullies. Being mute isn't exactly a common thing. My brothers tried to help, and everything, like always but, in the end it was better for us to just get a new start. I felt awful though, making my brothers move, just cause of a few mean kids, seemed like a waste. I just hope they can forgive me. I got out of bed and got dressed, before heading downstairs. My brothers, Cross and Reaper, were already downstairs and eating.

"Heya, Ink." Cross said, nodding to the empty seat next to him. I sat down, and pulled my plate towards me.

'Morning, Bro.' I signed, I didn't like signing things a lot. I couldn't ever remember how to do it, and when I tried the words seemed to mess up a lot. So I usually just wrote down what I wanted to say. We cleaned our dishes and headed to the new school.

Reaper went into the office to get our schedules and information from the principal, while me and Cross sat outside the office. Cross waved at some kids as they walked past, while I sat and watched the many new people I had never seen before. Cross noticed my reluctance towards the other students.

"Bro, they won't bite. Go talk to one of them, Reaps won't be out for a while. Go talk to someone." Cross said, trying to push me out from the seat. I grabbed my notepad and write something down

'You know that is physically impossible, right?' I wrote.

"You know what I meant." Cross huffed. I got up taking the notepad with me and looked around, trying to find someone who looked remotely nice. There was all sorts of people that it was starting to make my head spin. I swallowed, and just started walking straight ahead, with no clue where I was going. I walked across the sidewalk, when I was pushed to the ground by someone walking into me. I grabbed my notebook and held it close to my chest, my hands were bloody now, and so were my knees, (this has happened to me on multiple occasions). The person who ran into me, got up and dusted himself off. He was taller then me, maybe older then me too. He wore a black tie, and black vest over his white shirt. He had one teal eye, and his other was covered by an eyepatch.

"You gonna say sorry, for running into me?" The boy growled. Cross ran over and helped me up, blood was all over my notebook now, my legs and hands. The concrete had scrapped them and caused me to stumble as I stood up. Another boy ran up, he wore more yellow and golden clothing, with hit's of teal.

"Nightmare, I'm sure he didn't mean it." The new boy said, trying to calm the other.

"Ink, you okay?" Cross asked me, I gave him a quick nod, even though it was only starting to hurt worse. The boy, named Nightmare, walked of leaving the golden colored boy with me and Cross. He turned to me and ran over trying to pick up the things I had dropped.

"I'm so very sorry for my brother. He can get a little angry sometimes. I'm sure he didn't mean any harm. Oh my stars! Are y-you al-right?!" The boy dropped my things once more when he looked at me. I nodded vigorously, and picked up my things, but cross took them from me.

"Just...point us to the nurse here." Cross sighed. The school day hadn't even started and I was already injured. The boy pointed us to the nurse and gave us directions.

"My name's Dream, by the way." Dream said, trying to smile at us as we walked off.

"Cross. And..uh..this is ink." We continued to walk to the nurse, gaining all sorts of looks from students. The nurse bandage my hands, and my legs. She then proceeded to clean of any blood I had gotten on me. I closed my eyes, hoping for the day to be done already, but we had only just begun. After that, me and across headed back to the office, where Reaper was waiting.

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