Little Ink and Error

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I'm excited to write this one. So this is a kid AU, by that I mean Ink and Error will both be around the age of 4, everyone else will be the regular age. Tell me if ya want more of this.

Third POV

Ink sat on a small snowy rock as he drew Grillby's bar in his sketchbook. His eye hurt and his legs were still sore. Why you may ask, well it's because a few moments ago he had been getting beaten up by a some kids older then them. Ink was homeless and lived in one of the alley ways between Grilby's and the other businesses in Snowdin. Ink rubbed his black eye and winced at the pain he felt when he touched it. He had already wrapped his bleeding legs up and now he was just sitting on the rock trying to bide his time by drawing as he gained more energy in his legs.

"Inky!" Error yelled from behind him. Error had been Ink's only friend for a long time, Error didn't understand much why he never saw ink at his home or with anyone. Error ran up to his friend and sat down on the snowy ground.

"Hi, Error." Ink smiled.

"What's up with your eye?" Error asked, Ink tried to look at his eye, but only sighed.

"It fine." Ink said. He was never good with words. He had never been taught to speak or write, so his words were usually messed up. Error tried to help him, but Ink just couldn't wrap his head around some words.

"Are you sure, it looks bad. Maybe my ma can help!" Error said, however he didn't understand that his mother was not a fan of Ink. Ink made his regular sound for no, and they went back to talking. Error playing in the snow while Ink sat and drew. After a few moments there was a loud crash coming from the woods nearby. Error fell to the ground from the backlash of the sound and explosion.

"What was that!" Error yelled, some worry coming through his voice. Ink just shrugged his shoulders, not knowing how to say he had no clue. "We should go check and make sure their ok!" Error yelled. Ink made the sound for no once again.

"Ink come on! They could be hurt!" Error yelled, and with out a second thought started running towards the explosion. Ink made the sound for no again and tried to stand up and stop Error, but he was to fast. Ink fell face first to the snowy ground, before getting up and running after Error.

"Error!" Ink yelled, trying to catch up to his friend. Ink made it to the forest and continued to run through, hoping to find his friend.

*Error POV*

I continued to run through the forest hoping to find out if anyone was hurt or at least the cause of it. I stopped for a moment letting Ink catch up.

"Inky?" I asked the area around me, but their was no one there. I bit his lip hoping inky would turn up, but no one came. I  looked around through the bushes and and trees but saw no one. I was getting more and more worried, until I heard some voices I jumped into one of the bushes out of instinct and looked at a few different people. Their was a man in a star cape, a man with a blue bandana, the two looked like the were arguing with another man who was kind of goopy? He had a man wearing black and white with him along with another on who had a blue hoodie. There was also a man with a hole in his head, I hope he's ok, it might have happened because of the explosion, the last one was a man with two black eyes. I hide in the bush, scared of what the people might do.

"Nightmare, this needs to stop." The starcaped one said.

"Why should we, this place is nothing but a mess." The goopy guy, named Nightmare said.

"There are people here, leave them be. You could hurt them!" The blue bandana person said.

"Oh just shut up!" Nightmare said, and they started fighting. Like real fighting! With their fists! No not fists! Magic, and weapons. I grabbed my legs to stop them from shaking, and hid my head in my legs. The fight and noise seemed to go on forever, but eventually the split up. I let out a sigh of relief and tried to stop my shaking, I tried to stand with shaky legs, but ended up falling on my face. "Owie." I whispered and looked up to see that some of the people from that fight were staring at me. I backed away quickly, oh please don't hurt me. I don't wanna die!

"And who do we have here?" The black eyed character said, looking down at me. I couldn't breathe what's going on! Who are they!

"Leave me alone!" I yelled, trying to push the man away, but my little arms made no movement. The white and black character laughed at me, and nudged his friend next to him. The nightmare guy. I wanted to scream but no sound game, I don't want to die! Nononono! Please! The nightmare person came up to me and pulled me up to him by the scruff. I struggled to get out of his grip but it was no use, "lemme go!" I yelled.

"Why should I?" He said.

"Cause..cause.." I couldn't find anything to say, I spouts wanted to get away from him. I pushed my hands down fast and strings came down from the sky wrapping up the person holding me.

"What the!" He yelled, the others looked surprised, and he dropped me. I ran a fast as I could away from the men, but was promptly picked up by the man in the hoodie. I can't handle it anymore! I started to break down crying, hoping some one would come. The man with the hoodie grumbled something, and handed me to another person. I opened my eye to see the black and white character in front of me, he still didn't look to nice so I only cried more. I just wanted my friend! I just wanted Inky!

"The frick is wrong with it!" Nightmare said, unwrapping himself from the strings.

"I think it doesn't like us." The hoodie one said.

"Of course it doesn't like us!" The black eyed one said, "we kill people!" I only cried louder hearing that, hoping I wouldn't die.

"You're making it worse!" The one holding me said.

"Let's kill 'em!" The one with the hole in his head said, I screamed not wanting to die.

"Noooooo!" I yelled.

"No. He could be useful. Those strings were his. He might be useful against those Star's." Nightmare said.

"So you want us to take it with us?" The one holding me said.

"Yes." Nightmare said. I hit the one holding me over and over again. I didn't want to go with them, I wanted Ink. I wanted home! I wanted my family! Nightmare opened some swirly thingy, and they started to walk through it. I don't like that. I struggled hoping I didn't have to go with them.

Should I make more of this one? I liked the odeA and wanted to know if people would be interested in reading more of it?


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