Suprise Attack!

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Ink's POV

I'm bored. I've checked all the Au's for problems, none of the creators want any Au's made, and Dream and Blue are doing their own stuff. Dream's hanging out in his Au, and Blue was with his brother. And I well....I am bored. I'm just sitting in the Doodlesphere waiting for something to do.

"Hey creators! Is there literally anything I can do?" I ask the air around me. Nothing. Huh, I guess not. I stood up, and wondered through the papers flying in the sky. Each paper held an Au, and each one was different. I grabbed one, it was one of my favorites, Outertale. I smiled, and opened up and portal to the Au. I walked through the portal and landed on my face.

"Ow..." I said, as I felt the tall blue-green grass touch my face. I lifted my head, noticing a pillow a few feet away, with a not on it. I got up and looked at the note,

Dear older me,
This is for when we teleport to Outertale.
I'm tired of landing on my face so, this should help.
I probably forgot, what happens when we teleport so here.
From Ink!

Huh, I forgot. I really need to fix that portal. I'll do it later. I walked past the pillow kicking a little closer to where I had landed. I walked through the tall grass, heading towards the edge of the meteor I was on. I continued walking, staring up and the stars above my skull. I got to the edge of the grass and saw Error. He was just sitting near the edge meteor, starring up at the stars. I smiled, I hadn't seen him in forever. The last time we 'fought' was two weeks ago. Should I? Yeah!

I ran up to him and hugged him! "SURPRISE!"

"ACk!" Error yelled, as he error signs started to appear in his eyes. Glitches formed on his person. I let go of him, "whoops." I said. Two signs appeared above his skull...

                        Reboot                                                         Continue

I clicked reboot, and sat down next to him. I looked up to the sky, at the cosmos and stars. I glanced over to Error he was halfway through rebooting. I grabbed my sketchbook and opened it, starting to draw. I paused wondering what to draw, once I got the idea I started to draw. I drew Error looking at the stars above, like he had been before I hugged him. I got so caught up in drawing I forgot Error was right next to me.

"What tHe hEll, sQuiD!" Error yelled as he finished rebooting.

"Heh, sorry glitchy." I said, smiling at him. Error sat back down next to me, and stared up at the cosmos.

"sO..." Error started, glancing at me, "wHat aRe you doIng hEre?isN't therE sOme unIveRse thAt nEeds ProtectIng?"

"Nope." I sighed, I hated the thought of not being needed. But this was a good thing! No universe need my help, that means there safe! But what does that mean for me...

"YoU oKay tHere, SqUid?" Error said, making me come out of my daze.

"Oh yeah. I'm fine." I said, as my voice cracked a little. I stared at the drawing of Error that I had almost finished.

"YoU suRe, yA stoPped dRawiNg aNd jUst sTarteD stArring Off..."Error asked again, for some reason I though I heard a bit of worry in his voice.

"Yep...I'm fine..." I lied.

"STop lYing, InK..." Error said again, now he was watching me with his eyes, he had on a serious look. There's no way I'm getting out of it now...

"Fine...I'm just...just a little worried." I said, not wanting to tell him everything.

"WHy aRe yOu wOrrIed?" He asked me.

"You're really not gonna let this go?" I said, he only continued to stare at me. I sighed.

"All the universe are fine. I should be happy. Well as happy as I can be, but I'm not. I'm just worried that the creators won't have a use for me soon! I'm mean productivity and creativity have been down!" I was now standing and pacing as words flew out of my mouth. "What's gonna happen when they all leave. Have they all left. None of them are answering when I ask for 'em. And if they leave, so do my vials! Without those I become a husk again! How in the world am I supposed to live through that again!" I yelled, my hands gripping my skull. I felt someone tug me down to the ground. It was Error. He had pulled me to the ground and was hugging me. I sighed, "Why do I need to be needed?"

"ShUt it, SquId. WHo cAres aBout thOse creAtorS...tHere arE otHer peoPle wHo neEd yoU beSideS theM!" Error said, still hugging me.

"Like who?" I whispered to myself not wanting him to hear me, but he did.


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