New chapter: i don't know what to be named

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Guys I'm obsessed with making Ink a sad boi! Help me!

Ink's POV

I was is the Doodlesphere watching over the Au's, just to make sure none of them started to have problems. It was my job after all! Who am I kidding this job is tiring.I've been here all day but nothing's happened except the minor threats, and those get real annoying real fast. I would go back home to Error, PJ, and Gray, but I have work to do here. Who knows when I leave maybe someone will start up problems in some random Au. I laid down on the floating island, and stared and the pages above me. So many..each colorful..each wonderful..heh that rhymed. I suddenly felt a slight pain in my chest, and stood up looking around to find one Au starting to clash into another. Crap. I grabbed Broomie and made a portal to the Au, I needed to get there fast. I landed in white void, somewhat like the Anti Void. I felt my hands start to shake, I took many deep breathe's like Error told me to do, but it wasn't helping. I covered my eye sockets, and shouted, "H-hello anyone here?!"

No answer.

I lowered my hands a little to see nothing except dust and random code. I sighed I was already to late. I looked at my Au menu, trying to ignore the white. The other Au was fine, this one just couldn't handle the converging codes. I shut my eyes and let out shaky breathes. Come on Ink. You can do this! I grabbed hold of Broomie and opened my eyes completely. The Au was completely gone, nothing was left. It was going to take weeks to rebuild and recode.


All of a sudden the Creators were yelling. I grasped onto my head, trying to get them to shut up. "Shut up.Shut up.Shut up.Shut up.Shut up. Shut up!" But they didn't.

How could you let this happen!

Ink this Au needs to be fixed now!

This wouldn't have happened if he wasn't slacking!

Ink fix it now!

Ink enough stalling fix it. I need this Au for my stories!

I felt like throwing up, I did throw up. It was just to much. I tried to calm myself, I hated when the Creators got angry, they took it out on the people here. They also weren't to happy about me stalling.

Ink you have four days to get this Au back in order! No breaks!

"What! I can't do that, I have to go home to Error, Jammy and Gray! And it will take at least a week to fix this place! Maybe even two!"

Then you better start working.

I knew there was no arguing with creators. Never was. So I started, and I didn't stop. I took no breaks, and in two days I had finish the ruins and half of Snowdin. I still hated the white place was to blank but when it got to much I just looked at what I had created. I hadn't visited Error, Jammy or Gray I knew that they might be worried but I really didn't have a choice. When I told the Creators that I needed to go see them they locked me in the Au until it's finished. I just hope they aren't that worried...maybe they aren't worried at all. In the next day, I had finish Snowdin and Waterfall, which left New home and Hot lands left. I was exhausted though. I don't know how much more I can take. I was using Broomie to stand now, meaning I had to use smaller brushes to fix the Au. But I did it, I finished the Au in five days. It had taken longer that the Creators wanted-making then a little annoyed-but I was surprised I had never finished creating in this amount of time before. The creators unlocked the Au, and I teleported home to me and Error's house. I stumbled to the door, and realized I had no way to get in.

"Really ink." I said to myself as I knocked on the door, hoping someone was home. Luckily Gradient opened the door. I smiled at him and he seemed glad to see me.

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