Tomorrow will be better

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Aight, so in one shot Ink and Error are kids. Kind of like the CQ comics, but not quite. Fresh, Geno, Error are still brothers and their mom is still CQ, but Ink's mom isn't Comyet, instead they are abusive jerks. Ages are Ink:nine, Error:ten, Fresh:eight, Geno:Twelve, Reaper:thirteen, Cross:eleven

Error's POV
Come on...Come one...where are you Ink? I was sitting impatiently on a bench next to Ma waiting for Inky to show up. Ma said that since she had today off of work she could take us to the park, so I invited Inky. He seemed happy to get out of his house for some reason. You know, now that I think about it, I've never heard Ink talk about his home life. He only ever asks me how Geno and Fresh and Ma are, but when I ask him about stuff he just ignores it, or changes the subject. Geno was reading a book in the shade of some trees, with someone else. It was a kid, same age as us probably but, he wore a lot of black, like more than me. He had like this long overcoat thing too, how is he not burning alive?! I got up and walked over to hear their conversation. I hid behind a tree and sat down to listen in.

"Well...whatcha reading hot stuff." The kid said. (I don't know how to flirt, help!) I cringed, at his attempt to flirt with my brother, (I'm trying ok!)

"Go away." Geno said. He really didn't like this guy, maybe I should step in...

"Aw..come on. You haven't even answered my question." The kid said. Geno glared at him, I almost laughed. I did laugh. Geno's head spun towards my hiding spot, as I laughed. "Is that your friend" the kid said, winking at Geno making me laugh more.

"No. He's my brother." Geno said, glaring at me as he pulled me off the ground.

"SoRry. It's jUst yOu twO flIrtinG is hIlariouS!" I said, Geno looked shocked for a minute.

"What! We weren't flirting! were not doing that at all!" Geno started, saying over and over again. I placed my hands over my mouth to stop my laughing at Geno's panicked state. He really did like this guy, I was gonna say something, when the kid said something that made us both stop in our tracks.

"Cool voice." He said. I stopped, was he being serious, or just making fun of me. Geno stopped too, he looked at the kid, and then back at me. "What? All I said, was 'cool voice'."

"I-uM.." I started, I didn't really know what to say. I mean what was I supposed to say? I decided to brush it off, "sO whAt's yOur nAme?" I asked him. He shrugged and said, "Reaper.Names Reaper. You?" He asked me.

"E-eRrOr." I said, his eyes widened. Me and Geno looked kind of shocked, did he know me.

"Wait..You're Error?" He asked, smiling. I nodded slowly, how did he know me? Was I supposed to know him? "Awesome! I'm Ink's cousin." I looked him up and down, he was related to Ink. Ink was so happy, colorful, and nice he was dark, proper, and kind of creepy.

"Wait, you're related to Ink?" Geno asked, he must be as confused as I was, Reaper only nodded.

"Did yOu kNow aBoUt thIs?" I asked him, he shook his head. I looked back to Reaper, I guess I'll ask him were Ink is. "Do yOu kNow wHerE iNk is, he wAs suPposed to meT uS here?"

"Huh. Oh no, I'm just here with my Bro, Cross." He said, nodding over to another kid, who was hanging upside down on the monkey bars. 'Cross' wore a white jacket and black sweater underneath. He also had a red line under his right eye, or maybe left, it's hard to tell from here. "So Ink, has more cousins then just you?" Geno asked.

"Well, yeah. Me and Cross are his cousins, why he never tell you about us?" Reaper said, raising one of his eyebrows. I shook my head no, vigorously.

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