Chapter 3 Lonely

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Hey everyone! Thank you so much for the support on my story! I really can't thank you enough! If you have any questions or ideas about or for the story you can comment or message me!^-^ have a good day, evening, or night y'all! <3
Oh btw there is going to be dead naming in this so tw! Y/dn will stand for your dead name!

The day went by slowly. You found a paper in your backpack with a discord name but you figured someone just wanted to make fun of you so you had thrown it out and right in front of techno too. He understood though. You hadn't seen him put it in your backpack and he had used his alt discord account so his name hadn't been techno and there for you had absolutely no idea who it was and you would rather be safe than sorry.

You went around the school for the rest of the day hugging your books close to your chest and listening to the whispers of everyone. All of this because you didn't want to bully someone you didn't know. Kids were cruel and it was deffinatly taking a toll on you. You kept your head down and watched your feet as you walked. It was now eighth period and you noticed a boy staring at you as you sat down but you ignored it. Hopefully the hype from people making fun of you for being trans dyed down tomorrow. You were thinking maybe you should have stayed in the closet. Granted you wouldn't be as happy as you are but you wouldn't have to deal with the hate. And your online friends were way more accepting then the rest of them.

"Ahem y/dn why are just looking at the wall, i am teaching" they snapped. You bit your tounge. You were used to this but it still hurt.

"Sorry i was just thinking" you whispered, starting to fiddle with your hoodie string.

The teacher rolled her eyes and went back to her lesson on genes. Man you hated learning about this stuff in class because they were wrong. You just tuned it out the lesson. You did this a lot so you were good at looking like you were paying attention when you weren't when you wanted to.


It's been a few weeks and the boy who had been staring at you had started getting annoying. You never looked at him bit you could feel him look at you when the teacher would stop talking, or you were walking to the same class, or after he was done with a test. It was so annoying but you were terrified of telling him. It was way to much social interaction and you would rather die than to confront him. You watched technoblade stream after school. you found his content entertaining and funny. If you had a bad day you could always just watch this videos and you would instantly feel better.

You wondered what it would be like being friends with him. He apparently went to your school but you didn't want to comment on any videos about that. He'd probably end up blocking you because that would be creepy. I don't think he would like someone commenting something along the lines of "hey, i know what school you go to, wanna be friends:)" on his video. That is just weird.

You did notice though that technoblade had made a video about how misgendering people was wrong and how if he found out someone was being misgendered in the comments that he would ban them from the channel. That was a little weird. I mean maybe he had heard everyone talking about the transgender person and he just felt like he had to post that. Or he just wanted the lgbtq+ community to like him. You hoped it was the first reason. You watched a lot of his videos as you layed down in your bed. It was getting to the point where your friends were constantly bugging you about how school was going but you didn't answer. You were probably being an asshole because of this but your friends understood. They know you get less active during the school year and they didn't mind much. They were happy as long as you checked in with them every once and a while to let them know you didn't die or something like that.

Your dad didn't bother you much either and you were thankful for that. You knew he loved you but he didn't bother to use your preferred name but sometimes, and only sometimes, he used your preferred pronouns and you can't lie, you cry every time he did.

Your thoughts were inturupted by a ping from your phone. Apparently techno had uploaded a video of him singing? Blitz? Oh the Minecraft game! You enjoyed those videos but you were sad when you found out the game mode had been removed. You clicked on the video and man was his voice extremely monotone but it sounded nice? This guy was an evil genius. His voice was so calming and you had started falling asleep to his videos over the week and waking up to them in them before your dad woke you up. This changed your entire mood.

*The next day*

Today was Friday and you were in a good mood. You decided to put a little bit of work into what you wore today. You put on a long sleeve shirt with a light blue, oversized, short sleeve shirt. You then put on some black ripped jeans with a belt. You cuffed your jeans and put on some cheep knock off timberland boots. You tied your hoodie around your waist and you smiled. You thought you looked adorible. You fluffed up your already poofy hair. You still never brushed your hair, it would have flattened it out and you looked better with it fluffy. Plus your hair didn't tangle so brushing it was a waist of time.

You headed to school and as soon as you got to first period the boy who had been staring at you for the past week called you over...


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