Chapter 7 The Video

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Hello Everyone! The last chapter just glitched out for some reason but I got everything back from it so it's all good!:D although the view count is down just a bit but i don't mind! I hope y'all like the story so far! Now on with the story!!:DDD

You wake up to your discord blowing up. You had no idea who could have been spamming you at this ungodly hour. Ok it was like 3 on but like still, come on. You lazily grabbed your phone, unplugging it, and going into discord. You saw who it was and you just chuckled softly to yourself.

As soon as you came online the spamming had stopped but you got one last message from techno before you chuckled and texted him back

Techno: Good morning nerd:)

Y/u/n: Why'd you gotta wake me uppppp

Techno: cuz i wanted to talk to you and if I have to be up you have to be up. Plus i wanted to see your face, you look cute when you just wake up

Y/u/n: 0-0


Y/u/n: LMAO shareeeee you arreee

Techno: yeah yeah whatever, but anyway, you wanna record a video with me? My parents and me got everything we needed and we're on our way home

Y/u/n: i would but my laptop is absolutely trash and it does not run minecraft well

Techno: go to your door and look outside

Y/u/n: why?

Techno: just do it.


Techno: JUST.... DO IT

Techno: ok but seriously enough with the memein around go look outside y/n

Techno: you there?

Y/u/n: you... You did not

Techno: :)

Y/u/n: dude my dad is going to kill me if he finds out that you gave this to me.

Techno: nahhhh you'll be fineeeee

Y/u/n: if you say so

Techno: Call me on your shitty computer so I can teach ya how to set it up nerd

Y/u/n: yeah, ok just give me a moment. I just woke up and I'm in shock XDD

Techno: ok but don't be to long daddy's waiting kitten


Techno: PFFT ok but seriously take all the time you need, just call me when your ready to set it up

Y/u/n: Yeah, ok! Ttyl

Techno: ttyl:)

You laughed softly for a moment. You can't believe techno got you a fucking pc, with three monitors. You were absolutely stunned. Where did he get the money for this? why did he give it to you? Is it old or new? Did it run minecraft well? All these questions were running through your mind but you pushed them out. you grabbed the box that it came in, deffinatly struggling. You got it inside the door and you decided to leave the box there and carry everything into your room one by one.

You eventually got everything in there and you went to the kitchen to get something to eat. You just grabbed one of the extra pancakes you made with techno yesterday and you just kinda ate it cold. It was kinda like a thin chocolate chip muffin.

You went back to your room and sat down. You picked your laptop up off the floor and logged onto it. You waited for the piece of shit to load up discord. It took so long but it would be worth it

You soon loaded up discord and called techno. you waited for a moment before he actually picked up. "Hey, is your camera on? Oh yeah it is i- what are you eating..." He said, slightly concerned but in a joking way.

"It's a depresion meal, get used to it" you both laughed "ok but finish that and go wash and dry your hands, you'll be touching expensive, sensitive hardware" he was more serious with this than you've honestly ever seen but it wasn't to serious. He was definitely trying not to scare you but the way his voice got deeper when he said that made you shiver. The way he spoke reminded you of some not god things in your past but you tried to push it to the side and finish your food. Once you did you told techno you'd be right back before going to the bathroom to wash your hands. Once you got there you looked down. The mirror was not your friend at all and looking in it just caused you to space out so you just ignored it by looking away. You washed you hands and dried them off to where they weren't wet at all before you came back. "All done!" You said, sitting in the makeshift gaming chair you had that was just a normal spinny chair.

"Alright now take the...." The conversation went on for an hour or so before you finished setting up your pc, minecraft, and your other apps that techno suggested you'd want. You got on discord on your new pc and you sighed cheerfully at how quick it loaded up. "Oh this is so dope! Thank you do much techno, if you were here right now I don't know what I'd do. Probobly hug ya or sum" you smiled as you heard technos cute ass laugh.

"Ok there should be some headphones and a microphone for ya in there too" he said as you looked in the box and nodded "yep! Here they are"

"Ok plug em in and then join discord on the computer, your laptop mic sucks, you're a noob"

You act all hurt and you laugh. Techno snickered a bit and you felt your heart melt. You were so happy you could make him laugh. His laugh was just so cute.

You joined discord on your new pc and you smiled "hey techno!"

Techno sighed in relief "finally, i can understand you" he laughed and so did you "alright now let's get to recording this video

About three hours later you had to get off of minecraft. Your wrists and eyes were not used to this and techno had to edit the video, even though it probably wasn't going to be uploaded for a while yet. Techno and his uploading schedule. You did stay on call though. even though you didn't talk much. The silence was comfortable. You scrolled through twitter while techno tried to stay focus on editing. It was almost seven at this point "so what are you editing?" You asked after a while

"Just some blitz commentary" he said happily. You nodded a bit and layed your head on your desk. You sighed and smiled "thank you techno" you said softly

"For what?" He asked quietly. He could see that you were laying on your desk and falling asleep and he didn't want to disturb you.

"For everything you've done for me, i really don't deserve it but thank you." You smile and close your eyes, starting to fall to sleep. Techno deciding to play some bedwars while you slept. To his suprise you seemed to be sleeping better while he played than worse. techno was happy that someone wasn't bothered by how monotone his voice was. He went back to playing. It was nice. He was really comfortable with you and he trusted you a lot. Don't think his trust in you. Just don't, it'll end badly....


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