chapter 8 The fights

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You wanna see some real speed bish:) (i wrote this when I was high on lack of sleep i don't even want to proof read this oh God I'm terrified-)

Today was just a normal day. You woke up tired. You took 30 plus minutes to even begin to get out of bed. You got dressed and went on your phone as you walked to the bus stop. You texted your online friends and such. But that all changed when you got to school. You and techno had been good friends for a few days now. He got you a pc and you were kinda mad at him but not in a way that makes you hate him but in a way that makes you feel guilty for him buying you that pc. You huffed as you got into school, placing your head down on your desk that was next to technos and you waited. And waited. But he didn't show up. A few minutes before class started you decide to text techno to ask where he was and if he was ok. He responded saying he was sick but he should be back tomorrow. you sent him a lil drawing you quickly made of you with a lil sign saying get well soon. The teacher was bound to be late and you were practically alone in the classroom with some people who were notorious for being homophobic. You had your headphones on so you couldn't hear there conversation. Man was that a big mistake. You were changing the song you were listening to when someone grabbed your headphones and ripped them off your head. "Hey wtf dude!" You said going to grab the headphones.

"Pfft look at the tranny, your little boyfriend isn't here to save you now is he" the boy laughed and smirked.

"Hey asshole give me my headphones back!" You snapped, putting your phone in your pocket. Mistake number two.

"What are you gonna do about it bitch? Huh? You gonna cry?" He said in a mocking tone.

You didn't realize that you had tears in your eyes. You ignored the tears and continued to push. Mistake number three. "Yeah well at least I'm not some stuck up jerk whos to insecure about their own fragile masculinity because their father and mother yelled at them every time they tried to cry. And at least i don't pick on people who are already insecure about themselves and depressed to feel good about myself. Or maybe it dosen't feel good at all and you go home every night and cry into your stupid pillow because I'm just trying to make people like me for being "cool"" you used air quotes on the word cool. As soon as you finished that sentence you got punched right in the nose so hard you stumbled backwards. You felt tears run down your cheeks and blood from your nose. The boy hopped over the table and pushed you down on the ground, the force of you falling caused your phone screen to shatter. You felt it in your pocket but all you could think about was the boy swinging at you. You deffinatly hit a soft spot but it was the wrong kid. He didn't stop punching until he was out of breath. You had used your arms to take the hits. They were all brused and cut up.

"Next time I won't stop until your dead, I'm not going to be insulted by a women who dresses like a man" those words stung. You stayed there on the ground. You knew there was going to be hell to pay once the teacher found out. You'd be blamed for your own injuries for sure. Your dad..... You broke your phone and got into a fight. You probably broke you nose too. He was going to be another story.


You had spent the rest of the school day trying not to draw attention to yourself. Your black and blue nose and the blood that dried on your face was not easy by any means to hide but you somehow managed to get all the way off the bus and into your house. You reached for the doorknob to your room and smiled as the taste of freedom finally over took yo-...

Your dad placed his hand on your shoulder. You jumped and turned twords him. You didn't look up. Your good hiding your face.

"Look at me girl" he wasn't mad, just worried. You looked up at him and he sighed "you got into a fight didn't you. You really can't stop and think before you say shit can ya" his voice started getting louder.

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