chapter 5 the sleepover

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Y/u/s=your user name:)

You looked at your phone when you heard a ping. It was techno. You smiled and unlocked your phone before opening discord and texting technoblade.

Technoblade: Hey, this is y/n right?

Y/u/n: Yep!

Technoblade: Sweet, i don't live far from you so I should be there in an hour or so.

Y/u/n: Oki! Seeya then dude! I have a bit of cleaning to do so I'll be a bit busy. I wanted to tell you incase you text me and i don't respond immediately:p

Technoblade: it's chill y/n:)

Y/u/n: ok well I just got home so ttyl!

Technoblade: Seeya y/n!

And with that you turned of your phone and turned on f/s. You hummed softly along with it as you cleaned your room. You just threw all your dirty close in the washer and didn't bother to start it. You just wanted them out of the way. You shoved your clean clothes in your dresser messily, not bothering to fold them and then you made your bed and put your stuffed animals in the corner of your room. That was a lie, you placed them gently and made sure to give them all lil head pats. They were your only source of comfort and you thanked them for that.

Your thoughts were inturupted by a knock on the door. You smiled and walked to the door. You were greeted by Techno and you looked up at him. You never really notice how tall techno was until now. You had practically been sitting down all day and you had to look up at him. That actually hurt your neck. Why tf was this man so tall.

Techno chuckled when he saw you look up and he kneeled down. You crossed your arms and pouted a bit "why must you be so tall sir" you jokingly said in an English accent. You then laughed and let techno walk in.

Techno looked around and smiled as your cats came up and started to rub your leg. You huffed and crossed your arms. "Y'all are never like this when no one is around"

Techno chuckled softly and put his hand on your shoulder. Your heart beat sped up and you just laughed it off. You were deffinatly freaking out though "oh my Lord, I've literally only known him for a day and the whole week he's been staring at me what tf. How am I catching feelings. Well I mean i have been watching his videos all week and falling asleep to them. Maybe that was why." You were inturupted by technoblade snapping his fingers. You flinched and techno laughed a bit "pfft sorry, anyway like I was saying where should I put my stuff?" He asked. You thought for a moment "oh you can just put it in my room." You smiled and lead him to your room. It was still a little messy but it was mostly just cords and books all over the floor. "Sorry i didn't have enough time to finish cleaning" you said a bit embarrassed. Techno shrugged a bit "hey it's a lot cleaner than my room" he said, putting his bag down on the bed. "I was going to record a video this weekend but meh, I'd rather spend time with my new friend" you smiled. This wouldn't be so bad after all.

You think for a moment before looking around. You then remembered that you had an Xbox and two controllers. "Hey i have minecraft on my Xbox if you want to play?" You asked smiling.

Technoblade nods. "Sure I haven't played with a controller in a while so this will be fun.


A few hours later you looked at the time and saw that it was 8 o'clock. It wasn't late or anything but you probably should eat dinner soon. You keep playing but you think for a moment. "Hey techno?" You ask

Technoblade puts his controller down as he looks at you "yeah nerd?" He asks. You couldn't help but to blush a bit. It was such a stupid thing to blush at but you laughed a bit anyway

"What do you want for dinner?" You ask, pausing the game even though that does absolutely nothing in bedrock for some fucking reason.

"Hmm I don't know, what do you have in mind?" He asked puting his hands behind his head and laying back on the floor

"How about some chicken nuggets and fries?" You ask, looking down at him cuz you were still sitting up.

"Sure why not, sounds good" you smile at him and he smiled back before looking away. You looked away as well and stood up.

"Alright I'll be right back, unless you wanna come with me?"

Techno shrugged a bit "nah I'm to comfortable to get up"

you snicker softly "Is my floor that comfortable?" You say looking down at him.

"Yeah it's pretty comfy if u do say so myself" he says shrugging and looking over at you.

You laugh "alright then, don't burn down my house or get yourself killed" you say referencing your minecraft world. He nods and you head out to The kitchen. You toss some chicken nuggets and fries onto a pan and shove it in the oven after setting a timer and pre-heating it. You grabbed some drinks for you and him before heading back to your room.

You look at the tv and see techno building a house. You sit down and smile. You didn't feel like playing anymore and you just leaned back. Looking at your sealing.

"Hey y/n?" Techno asked.


"Is it ok if I ask something?"

"Yeah of course, as long as it's not some creepy shit" you say laughing softly

"Ok, i just wanted to know. Why do you put up with your mom and dad saying you're there daughter?"

You looked away and bit your lip. "I guess I've come to terms with it. I know they'll never see me as their sun so I don't even bother. It still hurts though" you fumbled around with your shirt.

Techno instantly felt bad for asking that "sorry! I didn't know it was such a sensitive topic here um... Uh. here..." Techno hugged you softly. You chuckled a bit and sniffled, hugging him back "thanks dude and you're fine I'm just to sensitive" you said before wiping your tears away with your sleeve and laughing softly.

"It's ok to cry dude. I'll be here for as long as ya want. I'll listen to whatever you want to talk about"

You nod a bit and sniffle. "Thank you so much. You don't know how much I needed to hear that" you say starting to tear up again. You really thought of techno as one of your best friends now and it's only been a day. Man did you put your trust into people fast. You were inturupted by your dad knocking on the door. You groan and let go of techno. Techno just went back to playing the game.

"Yeah dad?" You ask annoyed

"We're You just crying?"

"No, and even if I was why do you care"

"Because you're my daughter and I care about you"

You roll your eyes and sigh "ok well I'm fine so you can go now" you crossing your arms. You felt bad for talking to your dad like that but you knew he didn't actually care about you otherwise he'd use your right prounouns.

Your dad walked off and you sat against your door. You rubbed your eyes and jumped when the timer went off on your phone. You turned it off and went to go take the food out of the oven. You really hated living here but luckily this was the last year you had to put up with this shit. You made you and techno a plate before going back to your room. "Here ya go" you said before taking a few bites of your own food then setting it down. You weren't hungry anymore.

Sorry for the random pause i litterally wrote so much and I don't wanna overwhelm myself LMAO hope y'all liked the chapter and vote if ya did:))

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