*insert story title that accurately conveys the chapter*

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Hey thanks for y'all being patient with me:) tw for this chapter include mentions of food/eating food (probably should have put this warning on my other chapters that include food stuff;-;)

As techno walked you down the stairs with you in his arms you hid your face with your hands. It was all to embarrassing to be carried down the stairs like that and it made you even more embarrassed when skeppy and Wilbur both started going "oooooooOooOo" you were extremely embarrassed because of this.

"Someone's got a booOoy friend" skeppy said, laughing at himself before bad smacked his arm. "Ow bad!" He said pouting a bit at him.

"Leave them alone skeppy" bad said with a huff. Skeppy just stuck his tongue out at bad which for some reason got a LANGUAGE out of bad.

"Boys! Stop fighting" Kristen said before pulling out two chairs for you and techno to sit down in. This was kinda funny to you even though you were super embarrassed.

Techno let you down gently and watched as you sat down. Your side didn't hurt as much as it did before but the random sharp pains were very painful. You were lucky you didn't actually break anything, even if it did feel like you did.

You watched as Niki sat down next to Kristen, Phil on the other side of Kristen, you beside Phil, techno beside you, will beside techno, skeppy beside bad, And bad beside Niki, it was a round table so that's how everyone was beside each other.

Kristen passed around the food happily, and you were absolutely starving. You really hadn't eaten much all day because you weren't feeling well so you knew this was going to be some good food.

Eventually the good got passed around and everyone ate pretty well, it was pretty late though and you and techno had school tomorrow so you figured you'd go to bed early. You thanked Kristen for the food before giving her a soft hug. It was a nice hug, an almost motherly hug. Something about it just made you feel happy. You then walked over to techno and smiled softly. "I'm gonna go to bed, you can come up with me if you want" you said quietly, mainly because you knew that as soon as anyone else *cough skeppy cough* heard that you'd get teased like there's no tomorrow.

Techno nodded a bit and stood up. He thanked Kristen for the food before taking his plate to the sink along with yours. You took this time to walk up the stairs to your room. It was pretty barren, you'd have to get some LEDs and posters for it at some point. You closed the door and quickly got changed into pajamas before hopping into bed. Your pajamas weren't really pajamas, they were just shorts and a oversized t-shirt. You let out a soft groan as you fell into your bed.

A few minutes later techno came into your room, he had changed as well. You smiled softly before reaching a hand twords the other sleepily. Techno seemed to know what you wanted because he crawled into the bed, got under the blankets, and wrapped his arms around you gently.

"Want me to tell you another story?" He asked quietly before you nodded. Techno smiled and ran his fingers through your messy ass hair. "How about i tell you the story about Persephone and Hades?" He asked with a soft smile. You just nodded again, not wanting to wake yourself up to much otherwise youd never be able to fall asleep.

(Sidenote the story of Persephone and Hades is one of my favorites because in a sense Hades practically rescued Persephone from her mom and I think that fits well with this story LMAO)

You eventually fell asleep to the sound of technoblades rambling about the story, not really paying to much attention but you definitely understood the story for the most part. When you did eventually fall asleep techno smiled gently before kissing your head softly and holding you close as he snuggled with you. God he was so lucky right now.

YOOOOO back to updating when I can, hopefully this'll keep y'all fed for a while LMAO if you have any suggestions or anything leave em in the comments, I'd really like to hear anything y'all wanna tell me:)

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