Chapter 10 the chill day

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You woke up the next day alone in your bed. Techno had gone to his room once you fell asleep. You were a little disappointed but you didn't mind all that much seeing as how it was techno we were talking about. You layed there in bed, staring at the ceiling for a while, collecting your thoughts about the previous day. Your birthday was yesterday and it sucked for the most part but the end of the day made it so much better. Your nose still hurt but you didn't mind much. You were fairly certain it would be fine in a couple days. You lazily reached over to your phone and turned it on, wincing at the bright light. You checked the time.

10:45 am...

And it was Wednesday...

"What the- oh no-" you shot up from your bed. You looked around your room, and found your bag with your clothes and other things and you walked into the hallway looking for the bathroom. You were panicked. Why hadn't anyone woken you up? You eventually found it and sighed in relief as you rushed into it. You got dressed and brushed your hair and teeth completely forgetting you didn't have a car, and you deffinatly didn't have a bus out here. You wondered if anyone else was here or awake. You ran down the stairs, backpack over your shoulder. You were stoped by dadza himself.

"Hi Phil do you think you could drive me to school?" You asked. You really hoped to god he said yes. Well not really. You didn't want to to school but you had to.

Phil shook his head a bit "sorry y/n but i don't think you should go to school today. Your nose is still brused pretty bad and you just got beat yesterday. Why dont you go lay back down and get some more rest. You don't have to sleep but at least lay down and take some medicine. I'll tell techno to go and meet you up there after he gets back from school. Wilbur and the others are doing online school so when the finish up they can come keep you company until then. Oh or me and you and Kristen could all play some hardcore, i bet your fans are dying to see you stream"

You sighed and let your shoulders drop. You were honestly happy you didn't have to go. You needed the sleep as well and playing hardcore on live sounded amazing. You missed techno but you knew he'd be back, that still didn't distract you much from the empty pit in your stomach.

You took off your backpack and set it at the bottom of the stairs. You looked up at phil "do you know if there's any pain meds around?" You asked.

Phil nodded "there's a medicine cabinet above the sink, there should be some up there, oh and Kristen made breakfast if you want to get some" phil smiled

You nodded and smiled back "thanks philza Minecraft" you chuckled softly and went to go find the medicine.


You, phil, and Kristen had been playing hardcore for a while. You hadn't died yet, surprisingly, and you were kinda just vibing in the world. You had made house and sorted your chests. Phil seemed very impressed with the way you had things sorted. Your chat had also been really wholesome. There were a few haters but you didn't mind much. You had a bunch of animals that you had name taged and made areas for.

You hadn't realized what time it was until you heard a knock on your door. You told chat you'd be right back and you went to go open your door. You were greeted by a hug. You quickly realized it was techno and you laughed softly hugging him back.

"Jeeze clingy much" you joked.

Techno was about to say something but he inturupted himself when he saw the stream "are ya streaming" he asked. You nodded. Your chat was freaking out when they heard technos voice and you laughed. "Quick change the title of your stream, for the veiwwwsssss" he said letting go of the hug. You giggled softly going over to your computer. You hummed softly as you typed in a new title [hardcore with philza minecraft and his wife, also techno is here:D *NOT CLICKBAIT*]

Techno laughed a bit and you felt your face flush up. You were so glad you decided not to show your face on the internet yet otherwise this would definitely be cliped. You put your headphones back on and told phil you were back. Techno stood behind your chair and put his hands on the back of your chair. He kinda just watched you play. He talked to chat and answered some questions they had. You were starting to get tired so you told phil you were going to hop off stream and the world. You and techno said bye to chat and you ended the stream. You said bye one last time to phil before hopping off the Discord call. You took off your headphones and stood up, yawning a bit. Techno instantly wrapped his arms around you, hugging you softly. You giggled and hugged him back. His warm embrace was so comforting. You felt like you were hugging a big ol teddy bear. You nuzzled your cheek into his chest and you let out a breath. You were about to say something when a knock inturupted your thoughts. You hesitantly let go of techno, who wasn't to happy himself, to open up the door. You were greeted by a friendly hug. "I heard you weren't feeling well so me, skeppy, nikki, and will all made you some muffins!" Bad said happily. Handing you a plate of muffins after r the quick hug. "I hope you get better soon, we all do"

You smiled and nodded. You were honestly starting to cry but you just wiped the tears away with your sleave. "Thank you guys" you said smiling.

Bad smiled "we'll leave you alone so you can rest now, get better soon" bad closed the door and you turned around to see techno pouting like a little puppy. You laughed softly, setting down the muffins then going over and hugging him again. Techno lifted you up this time taking you over to your bed and then sitting down, up against the wall. You layed your head on his shoulder and you closed your eyes.

*Techno's pov*

"He layed on me. Oh god hes so cute." Techno thought, reaching up to rub your back softly and start talking about random things. He didn't understand why you found his voice so comforting but it was comforting to you. He did it as you fell asleep, waiting for a few moments before he stopped rubbing your back. He didn't realize you were awake still and he leaned down and pecked your forhead. The shock on his face when he realized you were awake... He was terrified.

(I also changed the very last sentence because it didn't make much sense LMAO)

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