chapter 6 the sleepover part 2

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You look at what techno was doing and you kinda just watched him. Laughing when he raged or almost died and he was all like "all part of the masta plannnn"

He eventually got bored of playing in a world and you showed him cube craft and eggwars. He seemed to enjoy eggwars and he pretty much got absolutely destroyed every round. you thought it was funny that he couldn't play well on a controller.

After a while he just shouted out "THATS SUCH A SCAMMMM" you tried not to laugh and you shooshed him "bro my dad is trying to sleep" you said quietly.

"Oh sorry!" He said quickly before eventually getting bored and getting off of Minecraft. You thought for a moment "wanna watch some YouTube?" You asked

Techno nodded and handed you the remote. you got into YouTube on the Xbox and you were just a little embarrassed when practically the only thing on your recommended feed was technoblades videos. You kinda just went to the search bar as you heard techno snicker from behind you.

"What do you wanna watch?" You asked quickly trying not to draw attention to what he just saw. "Hm how about just some cooking videos?" He asked. You nodded and searched up one of your favorite cooking channels babish culinary universe. He did some cool things like making jakes (from adventure time) bacon pancakes! You clicked on that video and you grabbed two pillows and two blankets for you and techno. You hand techno his stuff and he thanks you before you lay down and hug your pillow. It was just something you did by happy but techno thought it was a little funny so he chuckled softly. "Dude if your that desperate for affection you could have just asked to cuddle me, there's nothin wrong with platonic, homie cuddles" he was joking around but you Didn't know that so you sat up and raised an eyebrow, slightly confused "you mean those are real and aren't something people made up one day?" Techno shrugged a bit and laughed "i mean i don't see anything wrong with it dude, they're just cuddles." His cheeks were a bit pink but you didn't pay any mind to it. you kind just layed back down but this time with your head on techno's chest. "Oh jeez this is probably so awkward" you thought before you felt techno wrap his arms loosely around you. You yawned and did the same as you kind of just layed there. Wow this was comfortable.

Technoblades pov:

"HOLYFUCKHOLYFUCKOHMYGOD" i was freaking out in my mind "I DIDN'T THINK HE WOULD ACTUALLY DO IT I WAS JUST JOKING BUT I MEAN THERE REALLY IS NOTHING WRONG WITH THIS RIGHT? THIS ISNT GAY ITS PLATONIC. NOTHING ELSE. HOLY FUCK TECHNO CALM DOWN. UHM JUST DO THAT? YEAH WRAPPING MY ARMS AROUND HIM IS CHILL. OH GOD THIS IS AWKWARD" i could feel my cheeks heat up. "Oh blood god why must I feel the way I do, oh God he's so cute... nO NO NO you are just friends. Chill techno oh my God. you literally just became friends holy shit"

I looked down and saw him fall asleep, or i assumed he was asleep. I kind of turned off the tv and layed there. This was so weird but it was nice.

*Timeskip morning*

*Your pov*

You wake up and sit up. Techno's arms falling off of you. You look at him and see that he's still asleep. You rub your eyes and stand up. You wonder why you guys didn't go your bed. It was fine though, you slept on the floor a lot anyway. You decided to get a shower. you grabbed some clothes and headed to the bathroom. You hopped in the shower and cleaned yourself off. You soon got out and dried off with a towel before getting dressed. You put on am oversized sweater and some ripped black jeans.

*Techno's pov*

I woke up and y/n was nowhere t be found. I heard the shower and just kind of assumed that's where he was. I stood up and yawned before straitening out my clothes and then going out to the kitchen. I found some pancake mix and some chocolate chips. I decided to make y/n some chocolate chip pancakes.

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