Chapter One First Day

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C/c=chosen color

Your pov

You wake up to your dad knocking on your door and telling you to wake up. You groan and tell him your awake but, of course, he doesn't buy it. He never does. You sit up and turn on your light before laying back down and try to get some more sleep before you absolutely have to wake up. You close your eyes and a couple minutes later your dad comes back and knocks again. "I don't hear you up and movin" he mocked. You sigh and stand up. You go over to your closet and grab a shirt and some pants. You really aren't a morning person and your dad really doesn't make waking up any easier. You mumble angerly to yourself as you throw on your c/c oversized shirt, grey jeans, two random socks that definitely didn't match and deffinatly weren't the same kind of sock, and finally your shoes.

You go to your bathroom and mumble "are you happy" to your dad. In your opinion he was very lazy and unreasonable. You've asked him so many times for a binder and he has just not given it to you because he thinks, and i quote, "when your older you might regret wearing a binder because you won't be as developed as when you didn't wear the binder" well one that was creepy and you absolutely hated that that was his excuse every time you asked him for one. For one it was your body and if your body was causing you discomfort that should be your choice.

Anyway enough rambling. You go grab your c/c backpack and put on a hoodie. It was deffinatly not cold like at all but you would rather suffer than to loose your chance at getting at least one person to either ask if you were a boy or a girl or actually call you a boy. That would be nice. That is all you wanted from this school. Then again everyone would be calling your dead name and that hurts but you were used to it so it would be fine. It's not like your own parents didn't already do that after coming out to them. Once again getting off track here, your mom was deffinatly the best mom out there, now doubts about it. Well I mean maybe she could get really angry sometimes but that was only when something was getting on her nerves and she didn't let it out and it was just building up inside her until she let it all out but then again she has never once layed a hand on you or anyone else for that matter. Either way your mom was always the better option. You've been stuck with your dad since you were five. You wanted to live with your mom but she never got custody and your whole life has been filled with shit that you would rather not think about right now. You'd shake your head and sigh softly. You didn't brush your hair. You never brushed your hair. It was just kinda something you never did. Of course, your dad always got mad at you for not doing it but you didn't care. you didnt have anything to use in it anyway.  it didnt matter. you went into the living room and checked your phone. there were no notifications but from some youtubers uploads and some recommended  uploads. one that cought your eye was one by someone named technoblade. You decide to put it in one of your playlists called "youtube vids or sum shiz". Yes perfect playlist name. You look at the time and groan before getting up and going to the door. you step outside and Breath in and immediately regret it. The sun was way to bright and you would rather be inside playing videogames all day. This was going to suck...

*Timeskip because as we know the author is lazy af*

You were in your first period class. English. You were never amazing at english but you were good at paying attention enough to pass tests and stuff. You did like reading though and you read a lot. You got sat next to a guy who looked like you might get along with but socal anxiety and everything. You decided just to ignore everyone for now. There was less of a chance for you to embarrass yourself then. You just pulled out your notebook and decided to start drawing the profile picture of the youtubers video who got recommend to you this morning. You didn't remember much of it but you did remember a crown and a pig so you just drew whatever came to mind which came out like a cute little pig with a big crown kinda just laying on its head. You didn't realize you were humming until the boy tapped the desk and you looked at him. You quickly apologised and he seemed to get embarrassed and he shook his head a bit
"what no no uh i just wanted to ask you if you knew who technoblade was?"
You shook your head no "well i had one of his videos on my recommend but i had decided not watch it later" you looked away, you were quiet and the boy seemed to understand you were anxious. He thought for a moment before pulling out a piece of paper "i recommend these videos by him oh and don't forget to subscribe" he said pushing you the paper.
You were genuinely confused but you honestly didn't care all that much. I mean if this person wanted to practically show you the videos that were the best you had no problem with that but then again you did kind of think he was... Odd, to say the least. Why was he insisting you watched his videos and subscribed. You put the paper somewhere you wouldn't lose it and you continued on the drawing from memory and then just adding whatever came to mind. The teacher eventually came in and everyone looked at her. She smiled "hello everyone I'm ms. M! I hope you're having a good first day, i know most of you are graduating this year so I just wanted to say, good luck!" She continued to explain the class and the rules. The guy beside you just seemed to space out. He seemed like he knew what he was doing. you quickly breathed out a quiet breath to stifle a laugh. You couldn't help it. You did it all the time but you couldn't help but to find it a little amusing.

*Another timeskip:)))*

You get home and instead of doing chores and shit you binged all of techno's videos. You got maybe 3-4 hours of sleep last night. You hadn't even realize you had watched all the videos you had until you realized it was 2 am. "Shit..." You whispered. The decided to go to bed and get some rest. School sucked. You hated it. You stared up at the ceiling and just hummed. nothing could stop you, plus you liked to hum or be hummed to sleep and you only had one of those options anymore. you slowly fell asleep, closing your eyes and slowly stopping humming. You soon fell into a deep sleep.

Word count:
1224 words!:D
Best you're probably ever gon get tbh:p

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