Chapter 11 idek what to name this-

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The shock on his face when he realized you were awake... He was terrified

You looked at techno, eyes wide, confused, your face flushing up. Did he actually just do that? Did you imagine that? What just happened? Why did he do that? All these questions swimming around in your mind. You wanted more than anything to tell techno that it was ok and that he didn't need to worry but the words just didn't come out. Techno put you down and got off the bed, quickly going to make his way out the door.

You hopped off the bed before he could get to the door and you took his hand. "Techno wait." You said softly. You stood there for a moment not sure what to say. Techno looked like he was ligitamitly about to cry and you couldn't help but feel bad. "Awe techno..." you said softly. You reached up and took his cheeks in your hands. you stood on your tippy toes and he leaned down a bit. You smiled and gently pecked the tip of his nose. "Hey, it's ok" you wiped the tears that had started falling from his eyes away with your thumb.

Techno looked a bit shocked. He hadent expected this at all. He leaned down and hugged you softly, before picking you up. You giggled softly and leaned on his shoulder.

Except none of this happened. You sat there. Watching as techno walked out of the room. You couldn't tell if he was upset or not. You felt your stomach clench and your eyes start stinging. You hadn't noticed you had started crying until then. You looked down at your hands. Why didn't you stop him. Why hadn't you just told him it was ok and that you liked him. You started crying silently. The tears kept flowing. You felt so bad. You should have said something.

You sat there with your knees held up against your chest as you cried. This sucked. You had no idea what to do. You heard a knock on your door and you just layed there as you weakly called out "come in."

You heard your door open and close. Then phil spoke up. "Hey y/n, are you doing ok? Techno just talked to me and told me what happened"

You sniffled and looked at phil. "I just sat there. I didn't do anything, why didn't I do anything"

Phil went over and sat down beside you. He held his arms out for a hug and you took it. "it's ok, you were just startled is all." He pet your hair softly and you started crying even more. This was something your dad would never do with you and it was enough to break you. Phil hummed softly and just let you cry on his shoulder. This was a feeling you've never felt before.

After a few minutes or so phil stopped humming and spoke instead. "do you like him?" He asked as he kept petting your hair. You nodded and sniffled a bit. "Then you should tell him, he's worried that he just fucked everything up. I mean he shouldn't have even done that in the first place though"

You chuckled softly "he's very impatient" you wiped the tears away from your face.

Phil nodded and he stopped petting your hair. he then let you get up. "Go tell him" he said softly. You nodded and stood up. "Thanks da- er phil" you hoped he didn't bring that up at all, that was very embarrassing. you didn't want everyone else knowing you almost called phil dad. I mean he was more of a father figure than your own dad but it was still embarrassing. You kinda just walked out of your room, phil following behind you.

"He's in his room" phil said, patting your shoulder softly.

You nod and go to knock on the door. You heard techno huff and then say come in. You opened the door and stepped in. Closing it behind you. You felt your cheeks flush up and your anxiety started to kick in. "T-techno" you said softly.

Techno shifted around to face you and looked down when he realized it was you. "I'm sorry" he said softly, holding back some tears.

You want up to him for real this time and you took his cheeks in your hands. You looked at him and he looked back. Your heart beating fast. "You have nothing to be sorry about techno, i didn't mind, i was just startled is all" you smiled and watched as he tilted his head to the side a little confused. You paused for a moment before speaking again "i like you techno, and... I w-was wondering if-"

you were cut off by techno saying "Yes" Quickly. I mean that saved you from studering the rest out. You smiled and thought for a moment before wrapping your arms around his neck in a hug. Techno sniffled and wiped the tears from his eyes. He smiled and wrapped his arms around your waist. Techno leaned back on his bed and you let go of his neck. You layed your head on his chest and smiled. Techno was content. He took one of his hands and ran his fingers through your hair. "Get some rest so your nose can feel better, I'll stay here with you" he whispered.

You smiled and layed there. Techno took a blanket and threw it over you two. You paused for a moment. "Can you tell me a story?" You asked softly.

Techno nodded, he started to play with your hair as he told a story about some anchent war. You loved it when he told those stories because he was always so into it and it made you happy. It also made you sleepy when you heard him talk about that stuff. You soon fell asleep only to she waken up a few hours later...

Hi guys! Thank you so much for the reads and votes and comments, y'all make uploading so much better. Thank you so much y'all mean the world to me:D

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