Chapter 12 Confrontation

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You were gently jostled awake by philza. Techno was asleep now, holding you tightly. You sleepily looked at philza "huh?" You asked before rubbing your eyes

Philza smiled a bit. "Kristen made dinner, would you like to come eat?"

You nodded and philza nodded back. "Can you ask techno for me? He doesn't like it when I wake him up, I'm assuming he wouldn't be as harsh on you as he is on me" phil smiled and winked at you. You rolled your eyes jokingly. Philza walked out of the room closing the door behind him. You took one hand and poked technos cheek softly. "Heyyyyy wake upppp" you yawned a bit before techno opened an eye and looked at you. You smiled "good morning sleepyhead" you spoke softly, trying not to be loud. "kristen made dinner, wanna come eat?" You crossed your arms, layed them on technos chest, then layed your chin on them.

Techno shook his head a bit and held you close. He brought you closer to him and he nuzzled his face into the top of your head. ",I just wanna lay here with you" he whined quietly.

"But I'm hungryyyyy" you complained.

Techno thought for a moment "fineee, we can go eat, but i we get to cuddle more afterwards"

You rolled your eyes at him and giggled "alright fine, you're so clingy" you giggled again"

You heard your phone go off and you sighed, reaching over to the stand and picking it up. "I wish my dad would just leave me alone for a while" you mumbled, nuzzling into techno's chest.

Techno took one of his hands and ran it through your hair a bit. "I get that, but he's still your dad and he's going to worry, no matter how old ya' are"

You nod your head softly, nuzzling into his chest. "Yeah I get that but he's doing it in all the wrong ways, it's like he doesn't understand how his own kid is feeling"

Techno placed a soft kiss on the top of your head, your cheeks turned a soft pink as you smiled softly.

"Yeah, your dad is kinda a jerk sometimes. But hey you got phil now, he can be like your new father figure or somethin." Techno spoke softer this time, keeping you close.

"Yeah, that's true. Thank you techno, for everything" you smiled softly, reaching up and placing a hand on his cheek. "You're the best"

Techno just smirked as he leaned into your hand "I know" he laughed softly and you practically melted. You loved his laugh.

"Alright let's go get some dinner" you sat up and stretched a bit, clenching your side quickly. "Ow I forgot about that" you laughed.

Techno huffed softly. "Alright I'm carrying you, no buts!" Techno sat up and got out of bed.

You let out a soft huff as techno picked you up, carrying you over to the door and opening it. He had he arms under your knees and under your shoulders as he carried you.

"Techno I'm not a baby" you said, annoyed

"Hm wellllll technicallyyyyy you're like the youngest person here out of all of us"

"Techno I am literally a few months younger than you" you crossed your arms and pouted.

Techno shrugged a bit "well if you're not a baby then you are baby" he laughed softly and you just rolled your eyes, trying hard not to giggle but failing miserably.



I kinda wanna write a dnf fic but I don't really have any ideas so idk, if you have any ideas for a fic plz don't be afraid to tell me! I have so much free time to write stuff but nothing to write:(

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