2- A Girls Got To Have Some Fun

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Carmen Amor

Have you ever had that jaw-dropping moment where you're just like "Fuck I'm in love with you."?

The moment where nothing else matters except them. They are the air you breathe. The food you eat. The beat of your heart. Ever had that moment? Yeah me either...until I met a certain someone who goes by the name of Mint Chip Ice-cream.

If you don't like mint chip then I simply cannot associate myself with you.

Anyway, it is officially Monday and I started out my day with a healthy, hearty breakfast that consisted of one and one thing only. Ice-cream.

Thank fuck for my gene pool for giving me high metabolism or else I'd be the headline for the next season of "My 600 Pound Life".

Today I have to go into the god awful meeting and see what in the actual hell Derell needs from me now. Usually, I just get an email and once I eliminate whoever was in said email I would email back and they would wire money into my account. My life probably sounds super exciting with being an assassin/burlesque dancer but trust me it is quite the opposite.

I only assassinate when it's needed and trust me it's more frequent than you think, but not frequent enough to qualify my life as "exciting". Sure being an assassin helps with certain past problems and it definitely pays my bills but it only happens about twice out of a month.

I met Derell when I was 19 at Lush. He was there with a couple of friends and noticed how I stood up for myself against a man that became too handsy. I learned self defense at the age of 11 from my older brother Jai for... reasons. He thought I had "spunk" and offered me a job at his organization. At 19 I went through a lot and I was definitely struggling and had nothing to lose so I thought "Fuck it". And now here we are 3 years later and he's still a pain in my ass, but I owe him a lot.

Today I dressed comfortably in a simple hoodie and sweats with some sneakers. I mean who the hell am I trying to impress? I hop into my baby Natasha. Nat is a 2017 Land Rover with a shiny black coat with new pristine white rims. I tried to stay simple but expensive with my car. I hook my phone up to the AUX cord as Good Form by Nicki Minaj aka the best female rapper.

"Oh, this is my shitttt!" I say as I start rapping along while I drive to the office.

I pull up in front of the building and quickly hop out of my car so I can finally get this over with. I walk in and immediately connect eyes with the shy, little guy who works for Derell. He obviously doesn't know he works for a man who has assassins all throughout the building but hey, it's not of my business.

"Hey, blush boy can you let Derell know his favorite little person is in?" I say as he immediately blushes, Lord have mercy the poor boy.

Blush boy hastily alerts Derell that I'm here and buzzes me through. I walk past the front desk and enter the elevator.

Yo whoever was in here last smells straight up like some shit out of romance books.

The elevator reaches the floor where Derell is and I start making my way over to his office. Derell is a conceited motherfucker so of course he has a giant sign that says "CEO" on it but me being me put glitter on it. He gave me an earful for it but never changed it so I know he secretly loves it.

I knock on the door twice and wait until I hear a muffled "come in." from the other side. I swing the door open with a grin.

"Surprise shawty!" I say with a wide smile at Derell who just gives me an unimpressed look.

I walk through and abruptly stop the second I see someone else sitting on the couch Derell had on the far wall of his office. I turn to the man to quickly analyze. The second we make eye contact my breath hitches.

Why the fuck is smirk man here??

"What the hell are you doing here?" I say in shock.

"My job." He said sharply.

I look over to Derell for some answers but he's so distracted with paperwork he doesn't even notice what is happening in front of him.

"Hey, D do you care to explain what's going on here?" I ask trying to figure it out.

Did I give a murderer a lap dance to purposely piss him off?

"Oh yeah well to make a long story short and simple you and Styles will be partners for a job I need you to do," Derell says distractedly while he continues to work.

"What the do you mean "a job"? I work alone, what's so different about this one?" I ask completely and utterly lost.

I honestly don't have an issue working with a partner but I'm so lost on why I need one now when I've never had one. I always work alone, not by choice but I never really minded it if I'm being honest.

"This job is going to be a long one that I'm guessing will take up about 6 months. We have an anonymous buyer who needs a shit ton of people killed and captured and they pay a pretty penny. This job will involve hacking which both you and Styles are the best at and deep investigation which is why I've put my best employees on it." Derell explains.

I'm so confused. Why would an assassination take up to six months? What the fuck are we hacking when our job is to kill only? How have I never heard of this Styles guy and yet he is said to be the best? So many questions with no answers.

"You will have to travel and stay at hotels to become "friends" with people to gain intel on certain people. The job will take time but when you finish you'll be paid 5 million dollars each. This job is non-negotiable and you start in 3 days." Derell says and dismisses us with a wave of his hand.

Me and Styles leave the room and silently walk towards the elevation. When we get in we stand on opposite walls, both of us not making eye contact. Well, at least we didn't until the elevator stopped out of nowhere.

"For fucks sake." He mutters under his breath as he rakes and hand through his curls.

"So...how have you been?" I ask to test the waters, trying to see how the next 6 months will pan out.

He doesn't respond and simply ignores me. Okay cool, he doesn't seem all too friendly. The elevator starts up again and you can honestly cut the tension with a knife. The door opens and I am the first person to make a move but first I decide to play a little bit.

"Hey smirky don't hate me just because I left you with a massive hard-on, a girls gotta have some fun some way," I say while walking backward and head toward the exit but not before I saw the glare he gave me.

I walk out with a smile.

This is going to be fun.

A.N// Hey guys so how do we like Carmen so far? I tried to give you a little more insight on how her personality is without giving away too much. I'm aware the book may be moving a little slow right now but I have to build it up lol. Please like, share, vote, and comment because it makes me happy- J

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