1- Do You Wonder?

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Carmen Amor 

Play music when you see ***

The bass of the jazz music vibrates through the floor as I finish the last few touches of my make-up. Today we went for a dark look, deep red with gold eyeshadow paired with a blood-red lip. My outfit is just my style: lavish. I'm very used to the rushed energy of the burlesque club I work at named Lush. Lush and I have a love-hate relationship. I love it because it gives me surges of confidence when men practically drool over me. I hate it because some of the said men don't know how to keep their fucking hands to themselves.

I swear they act like the girls that work here are the last slice of pizza, even I know there's no one better than pizza, especially when it's doused in victory over the fact that you got the last slice. I bet they'd stop trying to touch what they can't have if they knew I could kill them faster than they can scream. I have special treatment for guys like that. I personally start by cracking each of the fingers that touch my skin then proceed to shoot their dick and watch them bleed out, all in a day's work I guess. Anyway, let us hope there is none of that because I actually want to have fun today.

"Get your pretty little asses up, y'all are on in 45 seconds!" Benny shouts.

Another downside is the boss's son, total perv. He stares at the girl's ass and tits and constantly calls us degrading names. I'd kill him if it wasn't a waste of time. I don't necessarily need the job at Lush but it definitely helps with certain...issues of mine. I like the lavish costumes and having men wrapped around my finger. I also love working with my best and closest friend Adriana.

Adriana is one of the best people I know but you should know better than to fuck with her. She doesn't have a switch like me, she's in a 'fuck with me and see what happens' attitude 24/7 but I love that about her. She only turns that off when with people she cares about and I'm proud to say that I'm a part of those few people. Another thing is her dad runs a gang. She's protected from everyone just because of her last name and she doesn't even need it.

Anyways let's get this show started

Me and the rest of the girls make it out onto the stage and get into our positions ***.

The set up for tonight have chairs set up in a triangle and those big Hollywood vanities. The curtain pulls back just as the music begins to play through the speakers. The back of my chair is facing the crowd once we start to get into our performance. I slowly lean back against the chair while maintaining my lip-syncing. Me and the girls get into a position where our legs are crossed as we snap to the beat.

I stand up from my chair and slowly bend over to shake my ass as I smack the chair to the beat. I take short and quick steps up the stage to the front of the crowd. I get back on top of my chair and rotate my hips as I run my hand up my body into my hair.

I scan the crowd and land on a pair of green eyes. He is in a dark purple dress shirt that is only halfway buttoned, showcasing his tattoos. The shirt is paired with simple jeans that look like they'd suffocate your dick but that's just my opinion and boots. He's sitting in a chair with a neutral expression on his face, if he isn't enjoying the show he should just leave no need to look like you'd rather have someone bite your dick off than be here.

I look up again and meet his gaze again. He doesn't look away and neither do I, if he thinks he's intimidating he's sadly mistaken. His lips pull into a smirk as he watches me and he takes his and twiddles his finger at me. Hell fucking no. He just did that wave the serial killers who are attractive do. I do not have time for this shit but why not have a little fun.

I go and grab the pole in the middle of the stage and start rolling my body down the pole. Once I get into a really low squat position I look at him over my shoulder and do the little wave back. He just keeps on smirking. The fuck is with him and smirking? I don't take the time to figure out as I continue my performance. The men continue to come close to panting as they watch the show. I decided to give the smirking man a little bit of an extra show. Wonder if he'll still be smirking when I'm finished.

I hop off of the stage onto the floor while taking slow, sensual steps while I rub my hands over my body. The men start to whistle and I let a small smirk take place on my lips. I walk over to smirk man as he maintains eye contact. I take a stance in front of him and rotate my hips extra slow. I look over my shoulder and see how the smirk has been replaced with a clenched jaw, perfect. I put my legs on either side of him from where he sits in his chair, my back still facing him. I slowly sit down on him and begin to sensually roll my hips. His hands smooth over my thighs and goosebumps rise on my skin.

What the fuck? Who told him he could touch?

I raise my arms to wrap around his neck and bring his ear down to my mouth.

"This is all you get," I say in a sexual whisper and flick my tongue against the shell of his ear.

I suddenly get up from his lap and turn around to see how frustrated I left him. His face is set in a glare while his jaw is clenched so tightly that I'm concerned for his teeth. Also, little smirky junior is being strangled by the fabric of his pants. I give a condescending pout to him and do that little wave once more.

Had to set the cocky motherfucker straight.

I continue the performance for the rest of the night smoothly and in a flash it's time for me to go home. I blew a kiss to the crowd at the final beat of music before the curtain closed.

Ah, what a night.

I finally take off the extravagant outfit and rid my face of makeup right as I get a phone call.

"Hello?" I answer

"Hey, Carmen I need you to come into the office next Monday." My boss Derrell says

I sigh internally, I genuinely despise having to go into the office. It's useless for what I do. All they need to do is send me my list and they die, simple as that.

"For what exactly?" I say, my good mood has definitely dampened.

"I have someone for you to meet." He responds

Great so not only do I have to go in I have to meet someone? Fan-fucking-tastic.

"I'll be there." I simply say and hang up before he gets to say anything else.

This meeting better be worth my fucking time.

A/N: Hey guys, sorry if this chapter is a little bland it is the first one but I promise it gets better. Please like, comment, vote, and share my story because it makes me happy. All the love- J

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