14- It Doesn't Click

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Carmen Amor

Have you ever witnessed someone go bat shit crazy? Like completely out of their mind type crazy? I think that's what is happening with Derrel currently.

"What the fuck do you mean he said Omèrta?! You guys know what that shit is right?! That's the fucking Mafia code of silence!" Derrel screams frantically while pacing back and forth in me and Harry's hotel room.

When Harry and the guys came back from torturing and questioning Nathaniel, Vanessa, and the bartender guy they were all lost in their heads.

The second Harry locked eyes with he quickly looked away but for that millisecond he looked vulnerable? I couldn't pin the emotion because it was gone as fast as it came.

Niall was the one to explain everything to me from Nathaniel saying that Christian is involved in some incredibly shady shit to the bartender saying the Mafia code of silence.

None of this is connecting. We are assassins. We get assigned to rid the earth of scum for money, plain and simple. Where in that equation does the mafia pop up? I've been sitting here for about 14 hours trying to connect the dots but they just don't.

The Mafia is some serious shit. Organized crime, trafficking, and dirty businessman who'd rather shoot someone than smile in front of someone.

Also what shit is Christian to the point that he has someone from the Mafia, that can withstand multiple 3rd-degree burns, working for him.

Whenever Nathaniel would interact with the people Christian was into some shit with they'd speak Spanish and since the bartender said Omèrta, and is apart of the Mafia I'm going to guess he's Italian. That's not Hispanic.

Like I said, none of this is connecting. Maybe I'm missing something obvious. Like I'm getting the feeling that the answer is right in front of my face but I'm too blind to notice it.

Another thing that hasn't been explained, why the actual fuck did I get drugged? Why did the bartender, who is apart of the Mafia, try to drug me of all people?

It just doesn't. Fucking. Click.

"Carmen." Derrel's voice snaps me out of my thoughts.

I blink back into consciousness, "Yeah, sorry a lot going on up here."

Way too much if I'm being honest.

"Carmen, I'm putting you and Harry's job on hold. I know for a fact that you guys have enough money to be fine so you aren't continuing this job." Derrel says after a few beats of silence.

I widen my eye at that, "The fuck? Why?"

"Because it's not safe."

"When was being an assassin ever safe?"

"Carmen, stop fighting me. The job is on hold and that's final."

"But for fucking what?" I ask again cause I don't understand the need. We need to keep working on this so we can figure out what the fuck is going on because this is now bigger than some job.

"I said what I fucking said. Stop testing my patience." Derrel says and if it were a cartoon he'd have steam coming from his ears.

I just huff silently and shut up because Derrel has been there for me since I was 19. He was the first person I let into my life after the incident.

He never tried to push me to talk about what happened or go out and do things. He was just... there. I appreciate that quality in people, the people who don't overstep boundaries and let you go at your own pace.

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