13- No Reaction

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TW: Mentions of rape. Please don't read if you think this can trigger you.

Harry Styles

The second I step through the threshold of the warehouse I become enveloped in the metallic scent that's all too familiar.

It's blood if you didn't realize that by now.

This warehouse has been used. Fun.

We continue walking through the warehouse until we come to door number 4, and guess what's happening behind the door?

Screaming. Fucking screaming.

"I will never understand why they scream as if that'll magically untie the ropes around your wrists," Niall says as he pulls the keys out of his pocket.

We step through and I make eye contact with that bartender and I feel pure, angry rage. The type that makes you see red.

I quickly look away from him before I do something stupid.

We are doing each person one by one. I'm doing the questioning while the guys torture.

Except for the bartender because if he is going to feel pain it will be at my hands.

"Well, how the hell are you guys?" Niall says with a big grin as I roll my eyes.

Read the room Ni.

"What the fuck do you guys want?! Do you want money? I can give you money, a lot of it." Nathaniel is the first one to speak.


"I don't want your rape money you sick, disgusting fuck." I spit at him.

The second I say that his face pales.

Aw is he scared now?

"You don't know what you talking about man. It's not what it looks like." He tries to plead. Fuck that.

"Oh, it's not what it looks like? So you're saying you don't kidnap children so you can have sex with them for fucking money? That's what you're saying?" I say as I take steps toward him with each word.

"Fuck you!" he says.

Now comes my favorite part.

"Zayn, I'm ready when you are," I call out and the second I hear his slow step I almost smirk.

This is gonna be fun.

Zayn walks up with a smile on his face and a hammer in his hands, "Let's start with the bones of your fingers yeah?"

Zayn lifts the hammer and brings it down across his knuckles. Nathaniel instantly screams out in pain.

Oh come on, that'd give me a boner and he's over here crying like a baby.

I crouch down in front of where he is sitting, "Wanna say 'fuck you' to me again, or do you want to die fast?"

He just sits there crying, fine have it your way.

I give a wave of my hand to Zayn and he brings the hammer down on his other hand and then stabs it with a pocket knife.

Zayn walks over to the table full of torture tools and grabs a pair of pliers.

He comes back over to Nathaniel and begins taking off his shoes. Once his shoes are off he begins yanking off each toenail.

Cue exaggerated screams.

Zayn once says is done with that he grabs some lemon juice, where he got that from will remain a mystery. He then pours that all over Nathaniels freshly peeled-off nails.

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